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"I'm going to break up with Matt this week," Eleanor said to her sister during one of their phone calls. She was in London, going through her closet while Grace was in the dressing room of the Ohio stadium Taylor was playing in a day after they returned from Turks and Caicos. She was watching Taylor put her makeup on, the brunette's legs spread out across the sofa under a blanket.

Taylor turned her head at that, Grace had the phone on speaker across her chest. She gave her girlfriend a curious look, her eyebrows raised.

"I thought you liked Matthew," Grace hummed, trying not to be too nosy by asking without actually asking.

"I did! But I'm bored," Nellie sighed, "There's only so long I can pretend to like only having one dick to fuck, you know?"

"No... No I don't," she grimaced.

"Right, well he's just boring me! He likes cuddling in bed and he likes to wait up for me to get back from a shoot so we can talk on the phone, sometimes he brings dinner over. It's weird, it's freaking me out. So, I'm picking out a dress that I can wear out this weekend and I'm going to dump him as soon as possible."

"That sounds- wait," Grace looked at Taylor, "That almost sounds like a happy monogamous relationship, am I correct?"

"Yeah it does," Taylor laughed, "Nell, you're weird!"

"I didn't ask for judgement from the couple who acts like they've been married for five decades. I just don't know how I want to do it. Do you think it's cruel to text him?"

"Yes," Grace didn't even need to question that, "When Taylor tries to break up with me she does it in person."

"Thanks for using present tense," Taylor huffed. She hated to admit that occasionally she got super scared of losing Grace and tried to push her away so it would hurt less, even if it meant waking her up in the middle of the night while crying to do it. Grace would give her a confused look, tell her no and that she loved her but she needed to go back to sleep and by the morning, Taylor would pretend it didn't happen and Grace would come home from her AA meeting with flowers.

Grace just never considered leaving, Taylor was her person. She was the person that taught her how to feel and be human, she loved her. She wished she could get Taylor to understand that.

"What do you mean tries? Are you guys not good?" Eleanor asked with concern. Grace and Taylor's relationship had started to change how she looked at love and if they weren't happy, was anyone happy?

"We're fine, Nell, but we're also humans," Taylor chimed in as she slipped her earrings into her ears, "I get scared of being happy sometimes and panic and try to run. Grace just shushes me and cuddles in closer. It's an interesting dynamic but you know what, it's working."

"Your logic behind trying to leave me makes no sense," Grace said softly, "If you ever truly wanted to go, I would let you... but you'll need to present a true argument."

"Not today," Taylor smiled, "Okay, take Matt out and get some coffee and do it there. Easy, cheap and simple."

"He's going to be a mess and I don't want to deal with it," Eleanor groaned, "Fine! I'll do it properly, but this weekend I'm on a drug holiday so I'm going out drinking with friends and Grace you won't hear from me."

"Be safe," Grace squeezed her eyes shut and pretended that she wasn't sure that meant. After they hung up, she looked at her girlfriend and said, "I cannot even fathom trying to go pick someone up during a night out now that I know how enjoyable it can be to come home to you."

"I've been where she is, sounds like she actually does want something casual," the blonde replied, "Can you get me a cheeseburger for when I'm off stage? I'm craving greasy food."

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