Ch.2 - Guiding a little sun

Start from the beginning

(A few moments later)

The flights concluded and in the end the siblings managed to kill the last two remaining demons but the boy didn't kill his right away and pinned him against the wall for questioning which was about muzan kibutsuji.

Upon hearing the name of his master the demon started cowering in the horror of total fear, Suddenly he regrew back his arms and try to make a run but the boy sliced off his neck.

Afterwards the time of parting came but before leaving the boy knelt down before the man who was lost in despair after learning about the death of his fiancee.

The kid gave some sympathy and adviced the man to move on but the broken man get swayed by his emotions and got angry at the kid instead, He yelled at him about how he wouldn't be able to understand his pain of losing something precious since he's just a kid.

The king who was watching this scenario got a little angry at the man's ungrateful attitude however it matter little to the boy who didn't argue back and just simply gave him a pure genuine smile before handing kazumi a torn piece of the demon's clothing which contained several hairpins of the dead womens, Including his fiancee as well.

On this tears developed in kazumi's eyes and broken into sobbing.

The kid didn't said anything more and just decided to take his leave but before setting out on his journey to hunt demons again he approached the almighty king and ask him if he would come with him for a small talk.

The king who knew everything silently nod his head as he simply wanted to just play along and find some entertainment.

Once the duo start walking away kazumi apologized to the kid who just turn around and gave him a smile while waving at him goodbye before finally walking away with the king.

(On the way)

As the duo walk together the boy introduced himself as tanjiro kamado.

"I'm alexi drake foxter callahan, Nice to meet you tanjiro" (Alexi)

"W-wow, You have a really long and unique name..." (Tanjiro)

"~Giggle~That's because i'm from the outside, By the way my wife also says the same thing about my name being too long" (Alexi)

"Wife...? You are married alexi-san" Tanjiro ask curious and the king nod his head, "I see, Anyway thanks for your help back there. If you haven't shown up then who knows what could've happened" (Tanjiro)

"You would've managed without me just fine, Don't doubt in your strength tanjiro. You are strong" (Alexi)

"But still i---" (Tanjiro)

"However if you really wish to kill muzan then you need to become a whole lot stronger" Alexi's unexpected statement surprised tanjiro.

"....Y-you know about muzan" (Tanjiro)

"Everything that you ever wish to know my child" (Alexi)

Tanjiro couldn't believe his ears but if this man truly knows everything about muzan as he claims then he now has a way to get a cure for his sister however before tanjiro could ask anything his crow suddenly land down on his shoulder.

"CAW Head to asakusa, Tokyo ASAP!! There are rumours of a demon lurking there!! CAW" The crow said.

"Eh...A-already!" (Tanjiro)

"OH YES! CAW!" (Crow)

As tanjiro was arguing with his crow the king just enjoyed the show.

'For some reason i'm feeling really excited, I should tag along' (Alexi)

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