16. Revenge of the Heads

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Scorpius' POV

Everyone's been treating me differently, my friends ask weird questions about being a Veela, I can still hear whispering in the halls, and some people back away from me in the halls as if I'm gonna attack them.

It infuriates me.

It's not a good thing for people to be scared of the Headboy.

I always knew it wouldn't be a great thing if people knew I was part Veela. I just didn't know it would make me feel this ashamed.

I just want to hide but I have too many responsibilities.

It's also been hard to hear what Rose has dealt with, she says she also feels ashamed walking down the halls because of how everyone has been making her feel knowing we had sex. She doesn't like that everyone knows personal details about her life and I completely understand. She says it stops when I'm with her but that's because people are too scared of me to look at her funny.

We both grew up in the spotlight, every time we would do something the news would pick it up because our alleged family feud would always be newsworthy,

It's relaxed as we've aged, but ever since we were set to get married it got worse.

The press was always looking for the next big story with us, and Zerric gave it to them with the whole Veela thing.

What pisses me off the most is when they assume I don't love her, as if we are both on drugs and can't feel true emotion. I hope Rose doesn't believe that because even though I have felt different because of the Veela, I truly am in love with her, and I wouldn't be able to list a million things I love about her if I didn't truly love her.

But there is nothing we can do, we just have to wait till everything blows over and something else newsworthy comes to light, but I'm still angry at Zerric.

I was occupying myself in the Slytherin dorm when Hugo of all people approached me

"What are you doing here? I doubt you know the password." I asked him.

We never talk and when we do he's not very friendly towards me so I do the same to match his energy.

Which is bad I know, and I know I'll have to work on it since I love his sister.

"I got my connections" he retorted still standing over me with his hands in his pocket.


"Look Malfoy, after hearing all of these rumors I've been skeptical about my sister and your Veela nature." Again not a conversation I would like to have with her family. "I don't want my sister in some magical faux relationship that is tricking her with charm"

"I'm not..." I tried to argue but he interrupted me

"I'm not done" I knew he wasn't, so I stopped talking to let the man speak "But the things she has been saying are true emotions of my sister and I can tell that you make her truly happy. That is all I can ask for. After all this law has been unfair to many people. So if anyone gives you trouble, or has offended my sister in any way I want you to come to me for help. We are family after all."

Even if we aren't close I'm glad he's close to Rose because he wouldn't be saying this if he wasn't. It's one of the things I always envied about the Weasley's they have each other's back no matter what, and they communicate in a way I've never seen in other families.

For years I always wanted to be a Weasley and I was probably pretty close to one already with me being friends with Al and all. After thinking about it for a while, being engaged to Rose has been the greatest thing to ever happen to me. Not just because I love her, but because I'm finally a part of something I've always wanted to be.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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