6. A Lust is Born

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Warning: SMUT


I couldn't sleep that night. Cal was like a deranged animal and I didn't like it one bit.

I'd understand if he was furious, but this side of him is one i've never thought capable coming from him.

I don't know what was going on but Cal wasn't the same.

I wasn't the same.

Even Scorpius wasn't the same.

The fact that he defended me without hesitation and pulled the "wife" card was so unexpected. I honestly don't know what to make of it.

What I did know was that I needed to sleep.

After hours of cry and trying to sleep, I got up and quickly went downstairs to find a book to read as I needed something really boring to put me to sleep.

I was all the way down the stairs when I realized Scorpius was sitting on the couch. I decided I didn't want to talk to him yet, so I tried turning around as quietly as I could.

"Can't sleep?" He asked quietly.

I guess I had to handle this head-on.

"Not at all thanks to you." I came down and laid across one of the chairs facing him with my feet across one arm and my neck resting on the opposite, figuring it would be best to just get every thing out in the open.  At least I can cry about everything in one night.

"I'm sorry." He said giving me his full attention and scooting closer to me on the couch.

I nodded my head knowing nothing was his fault but having nothing much to say.

"You've been crying." he pointed out as I'm sure my eyes were puffy and my nose was completely red. I moved my head down so that he didn't have to look at my deformed face any longer.

"Look Rose, I'm very sorry for my behavior earlier. I had no right entering your business like that or getting involved or...... saying the things I said.  Like I said earlier I don't consider you property or feel like I am entitled to you in anyway. I just lost my temper a bit. " He said it all so quickly with guilt in his voice. I could tell he was being sincere.

"It's not your fault, Callum was horrendous. If anything he dragged you into it. I'm glad you were there to help end it. " I said sincerely since it was the truth. Even though he didn't need to get involved, it helped take some of Callum's emotions off of me.

"Whatever happened. I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to deal with that." He finished up.

"I don't know why I do." I said the first thing that came to my mind.

"May I ask you something?" He said cautiously.

I looked up at him, wondering what he could possibly ask, but at this point it seems like he's the only person I can talk to about all of this, and if I was going to get any sleep I would need to get all my thoughts out.

"I guess."

"What is it about him that makes you want to fight for him?"

I paused for a long time thinking of an answer. But I couldn't think of one.

"I don't know anymore." he just stared at me waiting for me to continue my thought " Cal is so different to me now."

"What changed?" he asked I stared into his eyes and I couldn't give him an answer.

"I don't know." I almost wanted to cry again, but talking with Scorpius and remembering what just happened made me more mad at Callum. Which feels like the most valid emotion I could have towards this situation.

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