You Are The Fear I Didn't Care

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Jungkook looked up just in time to make a second of eye contact - his deep brown eyes full of questions poured into her. At the instant rosé felt strongest desperation to make some kind of move. In a daze, she did so. She kissed his right cheek, he didn't reciprocate back and didn't move away either. This jostled something in his mind for sure. But soon - too soon - jungkook stepped back, pulling himself away from her hug.

"You don't want to wake the ladies man inside me." Jungkook could feel himself thickening as he spoke, but could restrained his urge.

"What are talking about? The kiss was a token for your nice words. That's all. What did you think?" Rosé said, rather amusedly. She seemed to be scanning his body as they spoke as well; They were like a mutual admiration society

"Nothing" jungkook took a another sip scurriedly and set his glass down not knowing how else to respond.

"Nothing?" Emboldened by the alcohol and the turn in the conversation rosé leered at jungkook's refined face and robust body. While he had looked suave and dapper all week, tonight he had a smart and sassy debonair in both his dress and dialogue. She was finding the whole situation incredibly soothing.

"No wonder beautiful women fall in your clutches. You certainly have a way with your words " rosé said coolly and seductively, leveling jungkook with her intense gaze. He looked her over again with even more interest, if that was possible.

"Is that so?" He asked, expressing a true surprise. He gazed at her unabashedly;his eyes once again drinking in her lithe shape and sensuous curves. This was one seriously gorgeous woman.

As she moved away from the railing and tried to decrease the distance from jungkook, the flute got tilted and some drops from it landed on her breasts. Jungkook noticed the champagne drops made its way down to her dress, so he acted fast. He couldn't resist the lure.

The next thing rosé knew he bent down and ran his tongue over the drops of champagne and then back again. The drink was delicious, but he replaced his tongue with lips kissing her cleavage.

To her utter shock rosé looked down, flustered. She had an instinctive reaction to push him away but she couldn't. She was literally taken aback by this incident that she felt like she lost her ability to move.

She couldn't wrap her head around the truth that jungkook did something like this to her. While she was pondering that's when jungkook went too far. He reached out and, before rosé could even react to the situation, his hand reached up and touched the bottom of her right breast, moving up and down over cloth clad expansive bosom lightly.

Rosé's jaw dropped.

"What did you think you were doing?" Rosé demanded firefly, wanting to be absolutely clear.

"What do you think I was doing?" Jungkook asked in return. "I was just wiping the champagne droplets. My reflex was too fast. I apologize if that was uncalled for." He said, straightening up.

"Look at that, it's so fortunate you wore a bra. Who would have happened if you hadn't?" His hand was still there, rubbing the wine smeared skin of her globes, turning up the heat.

Rosé couldn't believe the audacity of this man! He groped her breast at first then cooking up some excuse! He didn't sound the least bit sorry. Jungkook's dominance and his touches had left her aroused. Instead of giving a tight slap on his wicked face and escaping from his suite she found herself rooted to the spot, her mind seeming have gone into a stunned state.

"This is not right jungkook. Take your hand off me," She took a step back. Her face was beet red as she slapped his hands harshly, feeling absolutely perilous because he was smiling at her with no shame, standing imposingly tall with full of confidence.

He surprised her by doing it. He sighed and obeyed also winked at her, damn him. From gentleman mode this man went back to his usual philanderer mood

"Aren't you ashamed of behaving hanky-panky like this to somebody" rosé crossed her arms. Never in her life was she groped like this. She had heard stories from her friends that boys used to take advantage of crowded places like buses, trains but she never experienced anything like that. She can still feel his rough hands exploring her boobs.

"Not really! Firstly, I am not married man. Secondly, I don't have a daughter. Apparently you aren't." Jungkook retorted with his typical vivaciousness.

His overbearing attitude incensed rosé. She swigged the remaining drink in two gulps and put her flute down moving closer to jungkook threateningly.

"If you try that again I'll, I'll. . ." Rosé was almost spluttering. She couldn't think of anything she could do that was bad enough. More than anything, though, the former beauty pageant felt both ashamed and mystified that she had gotten aroused from being groped. What was she thinking? Why didn't she give this man a tight slap. She was so annoyed why didn't she do anything when he was taking advantage of her and now she was feeling weird sensations running through her body. The entire episode flashed before her eyes, she felt her nipples paining,

"You will do nothing. Ask why? You would've slapped me for what I did. But you didn't. Why? Cause you like me." exemplified jungkook.

"I...I like you as my mentor. That's all." Rosé stated stoically. Deep inwardly she knew jungkook was right. But how ... how is that even possible?' she asked herself, frustrated that her body could betray her at the most embarrassing moment of her life. An assortment of mixed emotions coursed through her, trying to rationalize how it could even happen, finally telling herself that it was the lack of intimacy in her life combined with the intoxication were the main culprits. That, and the sudden unexpectedness of being touched so lewdly.One thing she was unable to fathom, what is she doing with her molester.

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