Shes really good!!(macca)

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I was twirling my drumsticks waiting for my friend to come pick me up when my mom came into the room "Honey?" I look at her "Can you take Sophie to see a soccer game tomorrow? She really wants to go and I'll be at work" I sigh before nodding knowing how upset my little sister will be if I say no. She gives me a hug thanking me and leaves me alone in my room again. I wasn't a big fan of soccer but I didn't mind watching it so it wasn't a big deal, a few minutes after that I hear the doorbell ring so I quickly grab my other drumstick and my phone before quickly making my way down. I kiss my mom on the cheek and kiss my sisters head before saying goodbye and opening the door seeing Emma, my best friend, outside. "You ready to rock?" I laugh at her while getting in her car "Let's do it" I tell her and she starts driving to the bar where we'll be playing today with the rest of our band. I play drums, Emma plays guitar and sings and Leah plays bass guitar.

When we get to the bar we see Leah already there waiting for us so we quickly say hi and start setting up inside the bar. Once everything is ready I sit down adjusting my drums and testing them a little bit just to be sure. I then get up putting my drumsticks in my back pocket and go to the table where Emma and Leah are talking "You guys ready?" I ask them and they nod so we go to our instruments and I sit down behind my drums. I look at my band mates making sure they're ready before starting the countdown with my drumsticks.
We then start playing and as soon as we do most of the people in the bar turn to look at us. I scan the crowd of people while still playing and putting most of my attention on the drums.

While scanning the crowd I see a group of about 20 girls all together, they all looked pretty but there was one that caught my attention she was talking to one of her friends I assume while looking at us. We finish the song and smile at the claps before starting a new song. This one is a little more laid back and slow so I'm not paying that much attention to the drums, I've played this song a thousand times so I know exactly how to do it. I look at the girls again and look at the girls lips trying to understand what she's saying, I see one of her friend point at me and she smiles before saying

"She's really good" I smile before paying attention to the drums.

We do about three more songs before taking a break, I put my drumsticks on my back pocket and follow my friends to a table, we get some beers and start talking deciding which songs are we doing after this little break. I suggest one of our own songs and they both look at me before nodding and we decide that we'll do that one at the end.

We play a lot of covers after that and I look at them making sure that we're doing our song and I start it off making a quick and difficult riff I then slow the tempo smoothly and the song starts. After finishing the song we smile at the people that clap at us before we start dissembling the drums and one of the guys from the bar helps us get it on Leahs truck, we then grab the guitar and their cases putting them on the truck. Leah locks it up and we get inside the bar again thanking the owner for letting us play there and also thanking him for the free beers he's giving us now. We sit down drinking our beers and talking and I see that the group of girls is still here and they're looking at us I give them a small smile before telling my friends about them. After we finish our beer we leave the bar and say our goodbyes before Emma takes me home. I say goodbye to Emma and get inside my house locking the door. I quietly go to my room so I don't wake up my sister or mom.
The next day I wake up thanks to my alarm, I groan before getting up and taking a shower.

After freshening up I put on some basketball shorts and a random shirt. I go down the stairs to the kitchen where I see my mom and sister having breakfast I sit down with them "Good morning" I say "Good morning sweetie. When did you get home last night?" I smile at her "About one am I think" she nods and we eat breakfast just listening to Sophie talk about the Chicago Red Stars and how she's excited to meet some players that I don't remember the name of.

I don't do much the rest of the day, until it's about four pm and Sophie tells me we should get ready for the game. I put on some black ripped jeans and a Chicago Red Stars jersey that we had gotten Sophie but was way too big for her so she gave it to me. I look at the name on the back and wonder who she is, I know she's a goalkeeper because the jersey is a different color than the one that Sophie has. Once I'm ready I grab my phone and keys before letting Sophie walk out first, I lock the door and get inside the car. I start driving to the stadium while listening to some music "Hey Soph?" I ask and she hums to let me know she's listening "Who's jersey am I wearing" she laughs before telling me that it's Mackenzie Arnold and while we wait at a red light she shows me a picture and I think to myself that I've seen her before. I don't think too much about since Sophie talks about them so much that that's the reason she looks familiar.

We get to the stadium and I smile seeing Sophie so happy she shows me the sing she made and I smile taking a picture of her and the sing right in front of the stadium. We get inside and we find our seats, we're really close to one of the benches and I smile listening to Sophie talk about how excited she is about the game.

The game goes over smoothly with Chicago winning two nothing. I wait alongside Sophie for the players. She takes pictures with most of them and she gets really excited when Mackenzie comes to us, she shows her the sing and she smile signing it. She looks at me and gives me a smile "Hey! You look familiar" I look at her weirdly and Sophie looks at the interaction "Weren't you the girl playing the drums yesterday at the Stars Bar?" I nod remembering that I saw her and she was the one that thought I was really good "Yeah that was me" Sophie looks at me shocked "What? I didn't know they were there" Mackenzie laughs and keeps talking with us for a while. After the staff tell her she has to leave she takes a picture with us before leaving. I look at Sophie and she has the biggest smile I've seen "You happy?" She nods hugging me tightly "Thank you for bringing me here" I kiss her head "Of course little one"

After a few days I see Mackenzie again, I see her while we're playing at the same bar as the last time.
I smile at her and at our break I sit at the table with her. We talk during my whole break.
That becomes a tradition, every week we play she would come, sit down in a table listening to us, in our break I would sit down next to her and we would talk.

After two months or so of that tradition we agree on going out on a date. The date was amazing I showed her my favorite places in Chicago. When it ended I took her home, I got out of my car smiling After two months or so of that tradition we agree on going out on a date. The date was amazing I showed her my favorite places in Chicago. When it ended I took her home, I got out of my car smiling at her, she smiles at me before taking my hand and pulling me closer. I smile and grab her waist before connecting our lips. She smiles into the kiss before pulling me closer. We're interrupted by her teammates whistling at us from the apartment. I laugh and give her one last kiss "See you Tuesday?" I ask "See you Tueday" I smile before getting inside my car, I wait until she's inside before leaving.

When Tuesday comes I'm playing a song laughing and I see her come into the bar I smile at her.
When we get our break I sit down next to her smiling "Hi" she laughs "Hi" we talk the rest of the night.

I see her again Friday when she picks me up for a brunch date. We laugh and talk about our lives before finishing brunch. After paying we start walking and she slowly takes my hand to which I smile "Hey Mack?" She looks at me "I know we met just about two month ago but I really, really like you and I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" I ask nervously and she smile before kissing me "Is that a yes?" I ask her after we end the kiss "Of course it's a yes you idiot" I smile while she kisses me again.

A/n: so you know I am open to requests

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