Take a pic it lats longer ( lucy bronze)

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Getting called up to play with England was always one of my dreams since I was a little girl. So when Phil told me that I was going to camp with them and probably playing in the friendlies against Norway and Belgium I was absolutely static. I got to the airport alongside my teammate Leah Williamson, we quickly boarded the plane and talked about the team and the fact that she was really happy I finally got the call-up.

Once we arrive we grab our bags and call a taxi to drives us to the hotel where we'll meet up and stay for a few days before leaving to go to Belgium.
We're talking as we make our way into the hotel seeing that we're the last ones to get here so we stop talking letting Phil talk. I feel a lot of looks on me but I don't look up from the ground. I just do when I hear my name being called by Phil, I give a small smile before he talks a little about the other rookies and then he gives us each a paper with the schedule and who we're rooming with. I scan my paper to see who in rooming with... Lucy Bronze I mentally curse, she's literally one of my celebrity crushes so this will be hard. Leah comes closer to me reading who I'm rooming with and she throws her arm around me "Good luck with that" she whispers in my ear and I push her off "Fuck off" she laughs pushing me back making me stumble against someone "Hey careful there, I don't want my roommate to get hurt on the first day" I blush at Lucy's words "Sorry" I say and kill Leah with my eyes to which she just laughs "We should go you our room" I nod at Lucy and grab my bag from the floor before following her, she's even prettier in person.

We get to our room and I let her pick the bed first, once she picks I just put my bag on the other one before sitting down on it "You're not a talkative person right?" I blush softly "I...I just find it hard to talk to New person's, ask Leah. I didn't talk to her for like two months" I say remembering that she looked intimidating to me so I never talked to her until she approached me. "Well, I don't want you to not talk to me for two months so what about we get to know each other" I nod slowly looking at her.

We spent the whole afternoon talking and getting to know each other. After that it was time to go eat dinner so I followed her down to the dining room.
We each grabbed a plate with food and I quickly found Leah sitting next to her seeing as I was still very shy with Lucy. She looks at me kind of disappointed that I didn't sit with her and I look down starting to eat. Leah introduces me to her usual table which consists of Rachel, Millie, Steph and Nikita I just smile softly at them still finding it hard to talk a lot to them since I don't know them.
Leah knows this so she helps me get to know them and when we're close to finish dinner I'm laughing and making jokes with all of them. After dinner we all take the elevator together. After we reach our floor we say our goodbyes and we go our separate ways to our rooms.

I get inside my room seeing Lucy already sitting on her bed reading a book so I just grab some of my clothes before going to the bathroom to change.
Once I'm changed I get into bed grabbing my IPad and I start sketching, I end up sketching Lucy without noticing so as soon I notice I quickly save it before turning off the IPad. Lucy looks at me and I give her a small smile so she goes back to her book and I just keep looking at her, I didn't thought she could get prettier but she did, she looks so calm and interested in the book with her glasses on
"Take a picture, it'll last longer" I'm startled from her voice and I grab my phone taking a picture of her so she just laughs. I look at the picture and smile seeing how cute she looks.

I don't get playing time until the Norway game, where not only do I got my first cap I also got my first goal. Even though we end up losing the game most of the girls celebrate me in the locker room.
We get back to the hotel and once we're in our room Lucy congratulates me "Hey! That was an step inside the room "I'm proud of you" she hugs me and I freeze before hugging her back feeling safe in her arms.

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