World camps (mapi leon)

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You know what's the worst part about playing soccer? Having to play against your significant other in a important stage like a round of 16 match.
Well that's what happened to me.

I met Mapi in our first game against Spain this year, I had just gotten the call-up for the National Team. We ended up winning that game and I ended up switching jerseys with Mapi. I saw her again when I got signed to Barcelona. We trained together, we played together and after a lot, a lot, of flirting we got together.

None of the fans knew but that didn't mean that we were hiding it's just that we didn't kiss in front of cameras. And then the World Cup started we weren't in the same group but we had to play against each other in the round of 16. I remember being really nervous about it and Christen having to calm me down. I was starting that match and I knew that Mapi was too so when I saw her in the tunnel I gave her a small smile to which she gave me one back with a wink.

And then the game started, we were up thanks to a nenaltv reallv earl in the game and then we were surprised by Jenni with her goal that tied it up.
While the Spanish players were celebrating I quickly reassured Becky that it wasn't her fault and that we still got this.

The game kept going back and forth until I send in the ball to Rose and then we see her in the ground.
The referee quickly signals for a penalty and I see Mapi get really mad at her so the referee ends up going to the VAR to check if it was a penalty or not.
She ends up signaling that it is indeed a penalty and I see Megan coming with the ball to where I am "Go get your first World Cup goal" I look at her not believing it but she nods so I set the ball down and look at Sandra, she knew me and I know that Mapi knew me too and that she was signaling where I normally kick the ball in the penalties so as soon as the referee blows the whistle I kick the ball to the other side completely faking Sandra. When the balls hits the back of the net I quickly take off running to the bench hugging all of my teammates.

The rest of the game is pretty eventful but not much as it ends just like that. When the final whistle blows Christen comes running at me picking me up.
After that we start shaking hands with the Spanish players. I hug Alexia and Sandra at the same time kissing their heads cause after all they're still my teammates. When I reach Mapi I see her crying to which I quickly embrace her. I feel her cry on my
shoulder and I rub her back feeling guilty about this "I'm sorry" I whisper into her ear before
kissing her head. I hear my teammates calling my name so I slowly let go of Mapi I rub her cheeks and kiss her forehead "I gotta go" she nods and I
kiss her forehead again then quickly turn around getting in the circle my teammates are doing. They congratulate me for making the penalty to which I
give a little smile still thinking about my girlfriend.
We then have to go to our locker room.

I don't see Mapi till the finals, of course we talk and all but once I get into the stadium to start warming
up I see her sitting in the crowd wearing my jersey to which I have a big smile on my face the whole warm-up.

Then the game starts we're having a good game winning 1 nothing and then I see the ball coming my way, I look at the goal and just kick the ball as soon as it is in my feet putting it inside the net I
quickly throw myself in Tobins arm celebrating the goal. After that the match wasn't that eventful and as soon as I hear the final whistle I look at my teammates in shock, we just won the World Cup.
Kelley comes running to me "Let's go see our girls"
I smile and take off running to where Mapi is and
as soon as I see her I just climb the stands and kiss
her I knew that after this photos of us would be
everywhere but honestly at this moment I couldn't care less. We stop kissing to breathe and I smile happily "You did it" she tells me to which I smile even more "That goal was for you" I tell her and I see her blush I give her one more kiss after hearing my teammates telling me to hurry up "I'll see you at the party" I tell her climbing down of the stands to which she just laughs and tells me to go with my team. I smile when I reach Kelley and I quickly hug her before we get in line to get our medals. Once we all have the medals on we see Carli alongside Megan and Alex being the cup we quickly celebrate it and start passing the cup between us. Once I have it I just point at where Mapi is with a big smile in my face.

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