Yellow card ( jackie groenen)

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Finally it was gameday, my favorite day of the week, especially for the fact that Jackie's here playing with me. I get up from the hotel bed seeing that Jackie is already up and brushing her teeth in the bathroom so I smile going behind her and wrapping my arms around her "Morning baby" I kiss her cheek and she smiles still brushing her teeth. I grab my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth along side her, she smiles and takes her phone taking a picture of us that turned out really cute. I smile knowing that she's taking a bunch of photos of us to tell the fans.

After we're both ready we go down to the cafeteria to start eating breakfast with the rest of the team.
We share a bunch of laughs and I smile seeing
Jackie so happy.

We then go to the conference room to have a meeting with coach where we talk about strategy and how to stop the other team. After that we're allowed to go back to our rooms so Jackie and I go to our room lying in bed talking and occasionally kissing until we're interrupted by a knock on the door so I sigh getting up from bed and answering
"Yes?" I am Leah after seeing her with her phone pointed at me "They gave me the Instagram page today so I'm showing everyone who's rooming with who" I nod "I'm rooming with Jackie as you can see" I tell her after letting her in "Hi!" She says waving to the camera and I smile because she looks really cute doing that. Leah then asks us a few questions before leaving us alone. "Where were we?" I ask her and she laughs before hugging me when I'm close enough to her. I smile and kiss her head "I love you, you know?" I tell her stroking her hair, she takes her head out of my neck "I know, and I love you too" she smiles before softly kissing my lips. We still have an hour before we have to leave so we grab my laptop and start scrolling though Twitter stalking a few fans laughing when they talk about how they think we're dating "When are we telling them?" I ask her "I don't know, what about after the game?" I nod and kiss her cheek.

We then get into the bus and go to the stadium.

After warming up we put our jerseys on and we're ready to win this. The game is kind of slow because it's very physical, I've already had a lot of encounters with one of their defenders including one where she 'accidentally' punched me making my nose bleed a little. The ref doesn't even card her, not even after seeing that I was bleeding so when half time came I was pretty pretty. I sat down in my locker and took the cotton out of my nose and threw it angrily at the trash. I sit down again and Jackie sits next to me grabbing my hand instantly calming me down a bit, she kisses my cheek "It's okay, we'll get a goal this half" I nod and she makes me face her "Is your nose okay?" She asks me, concern and worry clear in her eyes and voice "It's okay, just bled a little but it doesn't hurt" she nods "Hey lovebirds! Let's go!" We both nod at Abbie and we go ready to win this game.

We're about twenty minutes into the second half when I pass the ball to Abhi and she passes it to Jackie who then gets taken down pretty badly by the same girl that punched me so I sprint to where they are pushing the girl "The fuck is wrong with you?" I scream at her and she pushes me back, I'm about to punch her when Abbie and Leah get me out of there.

The referee comes and talks to me and I just nod not really paying attention to anything she's saying. She gives me a yellow card and I immediately go check on Jackie "Hey, you okay?" She looks at me crying and it breaks my heart to see her like that so I grab her hand stroking it
"You're going to be okay, I promise" she slowly nods and I carry her to the bench. I give her a quick kiss "You're going to be okay" she nods and I get back on the field.

During the reminder of the game I'm thinking about Jackie. We get a free kick close to goal, my teammates let me kick it and I hurry the ball in the back of the net. And when I do I quickly make a 'J' with my fingers and kiss it, letting everyone know that the goal was for Jackie.

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