Chapter 0.4 - Prologue: Yellow and Crimson

Start from the beginning

Junior replied, straining. Junior's henchmen began to gather around.

Yang: Hmm, looks like we have an audience. This must kind of embarrassing for you, huh? Awkward...

Yang said.

Junior: Listen, Blondie Sir. If you want to make it out of this club alive, I suggest you let me go. Now!

Junior warned, straining. She lets go and Junior sighs in relief.

Junior: You'll pay for that!

Junior threatened. He puts on his sunglasses and walks away from her. Yang follows closely behind.

Yang: Oh Junior, I was just playing with you! Don't be so sensitive! Come on, let's kiss and make up, okay?

Yang teased. Junior stops and turns around.

Junior: Huh? Uh, okay.

Junior said. As he leans in, she punches him in the face, sending him flying across the room. The henchmen run towards her.

Activating Ember Celica, Yang jumps into the air and punches down, sending them flying back. She takes out all the henchmen and even the DJ when the two Malachite twins step into the room.

Miltia: Melanie, who is this girl?

Miltia asked her sister.

Melanie: I dunno, Miltia. But we should teach her a lesson.

Melanie replied back.

Yang loads another belt of ammunition into her weapon and takes out the twins after a struggle. The holograms in the club suddenly turns off and a spotlight shines on Junior as he brings out his bazooka.

Junior: You're gonna pay for this!

Junior growled. He begins to attack, but in the end is taking out in a fierce punch by Yang, who grew angry at having some of her hair pulled out in the fight.

He flies out of the window, landing in front of Ruby. Yang comes outside shortly after.

Ruby: Yang? Is that you?

Ruby asked.

Yang: Oh! Hey sis!

Yang greeted her little sister.

Ruby: What are you doing here?

Ruby asked her sister. Yang sighs.

Yang: It's a long story.

Yang sighed. She then someone remembers something or rather someone that she needs to ask her sister about it as she looks at her sister.

Yang: Hey Ruby, have you seen Roxas by any chance?

Yang asked Ruby. Ruby shook her head as the answer.

Ruby: No, but I thought he was with you.

Ruby replies, Yang shook her head and sighed again but with a smile on her face.

Yang: That Dragon boy is so stubborn. But, he is my Dragon boy after all. We probably should find him before something happens to him...


Meanwhile Roxas Evans is shown riding his motorcycle through the streets on the other side of Vale.

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