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Thank you for the idea:)) @chiaracocozza2
—————————————————————————Willes POV:

I did it. I actually did it. I told the whole world that it was me in the video, against my mothers will ofcourse, but I didn't care about her opinion anymore. I did this for Simon and me, not for her.

Talking about Simon, i just got an incoming call from him. As I pick up I see him with his mom and sister. Simon is crying and Linda also has tears in her eyes. "Hi."

"Oh, baby." Linda says slowly. "I'm so proud off you. If you want to come over, you can! I'm making your favourite pasta." I nod, because I need to see Simon. God, I love him so much. He's literally my everything.

"Wille." He says while sobbing. Why is he crying that much? It's cute tho, because now I know he cares a lot about me too. "I.. I just. I'm so proud off you." I smile at him, but the smile quickly fades as my mother walks in with a mad look on het face.

"Wait a sec." I say to Simon, before I put my sound off. The look on her face tells me that she is not very happy with what I did.

Simons POV:

I already knew wille didn't have the best relationship with his mom, but I didn't know it was this bad. After he said that I had to wait a sec he put his sound off. Well, he tried to. But he didn't. I heard everything his mother said to him and everything he said back. And I can tell you, it wasn't the nicest conversation.

"Wille, you are a complete disappointment. You can't get away with this. What were you even thinking? You're the crown prince and you can't be gay! How many times do I have to tell you that." She looked at him with a mad face.

"I know you're mad, but I don't care. I didn't do this for you but for me and Simon. I love him mom. And by the way, I'm not gay, I'm unlabelled." He looked at her with complete disgust, and I understood why he did that. His eyes where filled up with tears and she responded.

"Who even cares about those labels. You're gay and that is what it stays by. And you don't love him. You can't love a boy."

That were the last words she said before leaving the room. Wille... was he okay? Did he love me? I knew he had a lot off anxiety and when I saw him rubbing his chest I knew a panick attack was coming.

"Wille, you're okay. Breath with be." I slowly breathed while he followed me, slowly calming down again. "Are you okay, baby." He shook his head yes. "I just want to be together with you, why doesn't she get that." I shrugged my arms, not really knowing what to answer, the answer wasn't there. She just did it because she thought it would ruin her image, but I think she forgot that Sweden is the most accepting country.

I saw Malin walking up to him as she whispers something in his ear. He nods and he starts walking. "I'm coming your way, okay?" I nod and smile. "I can't wait to see you, mi amor." He smiles and blushes at the new nickname before hanging up the phone.

After a few moments off crying and hugging my mom, I heard a knock at the door. I stood up as fast as possible and ran to the door. Opening it and jumping in his arms. Well... that's what I thought. I didn't really look at him and while hugging him I heard someone laugh. "You are hugging the wrong person, simme." I pull back and see Malin standing with a weird look at her face. Oops...

I ran past her and jumped in his arms. He kissed the crown off my head before taking me inside. Yes, I was still clinging onto him, but I just missed him so much. When we're inside I pull back and kiss him. And then my mom interrupts us.

"I'm going to steal your boyfriend for a second." She says while embracing wille in a big hug. He sees the smile on Willes face, as he hugs her back. I don't know what she's telling him but it's definitely something nice because he starts smiling even more.

"Thank you, Linda." He looks back at me and gives me a small peck. "I'll give you boys some time. Dinner is ready in half an hour!! And no sex in this house." She says with a serious face. I nod and grab Willes arm.

When he gets inside my room he flops on my bed and opens his arms. "Cuddle?" I nod and jump in his arms, he knows cuddles are my favourite ever and that I want to cuddle him 24/7. He pulls the cover over us before giving me a kiss on my nose. I giggle a little as he begins giving me small kisses over my face, before finally kissing me on my lips. "Simon?" I look up at him. "Yeah?"

"I love you. And I really want you to be my boyfriend. But, do you want that too? You don't have to say anything I just...." I shut him up with a kiss before nodding enthusiastically. "Of course I want to be your boyfriend, and yes. I love you too. I love you so much." He smiles and kisses me again.

I can hear my mother calling from the kitchen that the food is ready, so I untangle myself from wille and grab his hand.

Dinner is comfortable and we talk about what wille did a lot. My mom gives him a lot off compliments, and Sara just flicks some pasta at him. Maybe it sounds weird, but he's already part off my family.

After that we just watch a movie with some snacks. I snuggle into him a little more before whispering in his ear, "I love you." He smiles and gives me a peck before saying he loves me back. My life is literally perfect. I have the perfect boyfriend, who loves me and just came out to the whole country for me. My family is perfect. Although we have some ups and downs, we also always have each others back. I have the perfect friends, who care about me more then anyone. And....

Wille gets and incoming call from his dad, he stands up quickly, making me almost fall off the couch. "I'm sorry, Simon. I have to take this, but I will be quick." I nod and give him a kiss. "Okay."

After a few minutes he comes back and guess what. His dad accepts him, and loves him the way he is. Also, he's really proud off his son and he will talk to the queen tomorrow when she has some time. Wille is smiling like an idiot, and I just kiss him. After that we decide to go back to watching the movie and I don't know what happened after that, but I guess I fell asleep like always. Because the next morning when I wake up I'm in Willes arms, while he is still sleeping peacefully.

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