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Simons POV:

I'm a this ball with wille. It's something they do each year, so everyone can see each other again. But I don't know anyone, and because off my status "Boy who made the prince gay" I'm not really popular.

So then you think that wille would spend some time with me. Well, I lost him. This ball thingy is so big that I can't find him back. I feel so bad and the anxiety I have is wow, I could just start crying from everything I'm feeling.

Luckily I'm saved by the queen tho. Who would have guessed that? The queen? Being nice? Yes. She said sorry for her behaviour, and also apologised for all the things she did for wille. She promised to be a better mom and started being nice and lovely to me after that. It was honestly really nice. She was sweet and cared a lot about us. Weird how a person can change so much, but I don't mind.

"Simon! Where's wille? He didn't leave you, right?" She says with a smile, I just shake my head and smile with her not wanting to be rude. "No, haha. I lost him in this big crowd and can't find him back."

She looks around and points at some people. "I just saw him standing there, talking with some girl and her parents." Fuck, a girl. I nodded and said a quiet thank you. My breath was really shaking and uncoordinated. Yes, okay, I was over reacting and I was jealous. But who can blame me? All the girls are the same. They just want wille to be there boyfriend. Well, let me say one thing. He's mine.

I walked a little closer and picked up a non-alcoholic drink. The looks she was giving to him were to sweet and kind and when she gave him a little kiss on the cheek I had had enough. I was not going to bother them yet tho, because I really wanted to see Willes reaction.

As I was staring at them for a long time, I realised how pretty she actually was. Way more pretty then me. It also would be better for him to just have something with a girl. All the homophobic people would be happy and it would look way nicer for the family pictures on Christmas that they made every year.

I wasn't only bothered by the fact that he was talking with this girl, but also with the fact that he didn't went searching for me. Maybe it's rude to just walk away but it's way more rude to let your boyfriend alone at a ball where he doesn't know anybody.

I walk to a table a little closer to him and this girl so I can see the expression on the faces. And I'm shocked when I see that Willes eyes tell me that he is uncomfortable. So that means he doesn't really like this girl. Should I go and save him? Maybe I should.

I walk up to them and wave at wille who quickly waves back. If you look in to his eyes, you can see a lot off his emotions. He's uncomfortable and has a lot off anxiety I can see, and I really want to save him from that.

The girl that stands next to him smiles at me akwardly and hooks her arm together with Willes. That's enough. I take my final step and give him a kiss on the lips before embracing him in a small hug. Maybe it's a little much, because we normally just give each other a kiss on the cheek, but he's mine and she needs to know that.

"Hi, love." I smile at him and be luckily smiles back. "Hi, alsking." I go stand next to him and hooks my arm through this. I can feel the eyes from the girl looking at it but I don't care. She hooks her arm away and says she has to go before walking to some other boy. "Thanks Simon. Oh my lord she was irritating me." I chuckled a little. Yes I was still a little mad, but I was also happy that he didn't like the girl.

"But why did you walk away? And why didn't you search for me anymore? I was on my own and I don't know anybody here." He gives me a small kiss on the cheek and I know he's sorry. "I'm sorry. I was searching for you and got into a conversation and the thing here is, is that if I say I need to go it will be seen as rude. So I had to stay and hear about wedding plans from me and a girl who I just met." Now he's the one laughing. But I look at him with a fake mad face. "You're not marrying her."

He shakes his head and looks me deep in the eye. "The only one I'm marrying is you, Simon." All I can do is smile and kiss him. And as if they heard us a slow song comes on. "Wanna dance?" I ask to wille. He doesn't like dancing and he's really bad at it, but this is a different kind off dancing.

"Yes, and I'm sure that I'm beating you in this dance. I've practiced this and all the other royal dances for ages with my dance teacher." He smiles at the memory. "I wasn't exactly his favourite student because I couldn't even do a little jump and that kind off stuff. But still, I remember this dance very well."

And he does. He dances the exact same like the others, while I'm constantly standing on his toe, or going the wrong way. The song ends and everyone on the side applauses and wille bows like all the others. Me of course, just stands still and does nothing, and I see a lot off people looking at me.

But even more people look when wille wraps his arms around me and gives me a big kiss.

"I love you, Simon. You're the only one i want to marry."

I let out a silent tear and just kiss him again. "I love you too, mi amor. You're the only one I ever thought off marrying." He smiles a bit and an idea comes to my mind.

"Wait you're not going to ask me to marry you, right?" He smiles and starts laughing. "Not now, no. But one day I will. Now just shut up and kiss me again." And that's what I do.

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