Friends to lovers

411 7 7

Simons POV:

To be honest, I don't think this was the best idea. Hillerska was throwing a party, well not really hillerska, but august and those kids. Felice asked if we wanted to come and of course we said yes! It could be fun, right?

It first was!! I was dancing with wille and we were just enjoining our evenings. Wille didn't drink anymore after I told him about my dad. I told him he didn't need to do that and that I was okay with him drinking, but he said he cared more about me then that stupid stuff and that he wanted to stop drinking anyway.

Yes, people on this party are under 18, but literally everybody had drunken something. It was all over the tables and when you walked inside you could smell the smell off alcohol. I didn't like it at first but after a few minutes I didn't really smell it anymore.

But back to the topic. Wille and I were just dancing until we saw Henry waving to us. Not waving like "hello", but waving like "come here!!". So we did.

We walked up to him and saw that he was really stressed. And when we looked down we understood. On the little couche sat a drunk Walter, he was looking at Henry with a loving look and if they told me now that they were boyfriends I wouldn't be surprised. Wille giggles a bit at the sight, but when I poked him in the side he stopped. I must say he looked funny, but with Henry looking like that I don't think anything could be funny.

"He's drunk." We just nodded, and wille slowly walked up to him. Looking into his eyes, searching for any redness. I knew he was looking if Walter also had any drugs. But when wille shook his head I know he didn't.

"He's fucking drunk. I don't know what he thought drinking so much, but this is not really good. We need to get him to his room before he is going to throw up." While he said that I looked at Henry and walked up to him. "It's going to be okay. Don't be that stressed, he's just drunk."

Henry shook his head and looked me in the eye. I looked a bit confused, but saw that he was searching for words to explain. "He... he kissed me." He finally threw out. His eyes widened and he smiled a bit. Not a happy smile tho, a sad smile. "But that's good right?" Wille said, also seeing the sadness on Henry's face. Henry just shook his head and picked Walter up. He clearly didn't want to talk about it.

Henry struggled a little at the weight off Walter so wille walked towards them and helped Henry a bit. We took him outside and sat him down at the grass. Walter was smiling like an idiot and leaned against Henry. I saw him looking at Walter before opening his arms and accepting the cuddles. All Walter could do was smile and it looked adorable.

"Okay, I'm just going to get some water. I'll be right back." Wille said walking back inside. We decided that Walter first needed some water before he could walk back to his dorm room.

Willes POV:

I just got some water and was now walking back to them. It was late and dark so I couldn't really see anything. When I heard some whispers I knew they were there so I walked up to them, not looking at the ground. And then I tripped.... Oops.

"Wille, are you okay?" I heard Simon say. I just nodded before remembering he couldn't see me. "Yeah, I just tripped." I walked further but I now looked at the ground not wanting to trip again.

They were sitting by the tree and I saw Henry holding Walter from behind, cute. I always do that with Simon, but in a loving way of course not in a friend ship one. I know Henry likes Walter and I also know Walter likes Henry, and they just need to shut up and kiss. But they don't.

I understand it tho. It's scary to kiss someone, especially when it's your best friend. You're always ruining your friendship. First thing that could happen is that you don't like each other back, second thing is that you break up with a fight and never talk to each other again.

"Wille?" I mumble something and give the water to Walter, who sets the glass to his mouth and gulps it down in 2 seconds. "Someone was thirsty." Henry says and smiles at him. I see Walter smiling back and his eyes linger to Henry's lips for a few moments. It's to obvious to not notice.

"Okay, we're just going to bring you to your dorm so you can sleep." I say breaking the silence. Simon is yawning and I can see the tiredness in his eyes. He isn't really an evening person, and definitely not a party person. He likes the dancing part, but the drinking part.... No way.

"Mhmpf, yeah. I'm really tired." Simon says looking at me. He stands up and wraps himself around me. Snuggling his face into my neck. "Simon, I need to help Henry with Walter. I can't carry two boys." He just grumps and backs up a little. I give him a quick kiss on the forehead, but when I look at the right I see Walter kissing Henry again. "Okay, uhm. I don't want to interrupt or anything. But you will have time for that later." Simon says and Henry looks at us in shock before I start giggling. Simon follows and then Walter and then we're all laughing.

"Okay, but now I really wanna go to my dorm. I want to cuddleeee." Walter says while smiling at Henry and wrapping his arms around him again.

So that's what we do. We lift Walter up a little, because he's still to drunk to walk himself, and help him get inside off his dorm. Henry follows and thanks us for our help. I nod a little bit not really sure what to say. Simon helps me out off it tho, "of course, it's no problem. We're friends, remember? And by the way, you should head back someone is waiting for their cuddles." He winks at Henry and laughs, we see Henry walking in his room and closing the window before we walk to my dorm hand in hand.

The next day:

Simons POV:

The next morning wille and I decided to check in on Henry and Walter, to ask if they are okay and maybe get them some breakfast. But when we opened the door they were still sleeping in each others arms. It was really cute, and we were not going to interrupt them and wake them up.
Personally I don't really like this but okay.


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