First date

402 13 6

Willes POV:
We've had a relationship for over 5 months now, and I finally had the courage to ask him out on a date. I planned this weeks ago and today was the day that Simon was going to see what I spend a whole day on.

I said he couldn't come over today. And in that time I went to the lake and set up some candles and some food. I had also brought a guitar so Simon could play something for me.

And by the way, we don't have to worry about people. It's weekend and almost everyone had left, and I choosea very private spot.

I also brought some towels, just in case we wanted to swim. I didn't know if we would because the weather isn't that good, but if he wants to, we will swim.

I was now waiting for Simon. He just texted me that he was going to be there in a few minutes and I was so excited. I also was a little scared off his reaction, because I don't want to disappoint him or anything. He means so much to me and making him feel sad, makes me feel so bad.

But those thoughts float away as I hear a knock at the door. 'Wille!!!!' I open the door and I'm embraced in the biggest hug ever. I pull back and put my arms around his waist. His eyes flicker to my lips super fast, but not fast enough for me not to see. I lean in and give him a quick kiss. 'Simon, are you ready to go?' I give him a big smile and take his hand, while he nods as an answer.

We walk through the forest to the lake, and I can feel him staring at me. 'Why are you staringgg?' I whisper to him. He looks at me innocently. 'Because you're the most beautiful person alive.' I feel the heat rushing to my face, while I hear the boy next to me chuckle. 'I can't be.' I cover the color in my cheeks with my hands. 'Why not? He says and takes my hands away. 'Because you already are.' Now I can see his cheeks also turning red. I giggle, take his hand and walk further into the woods.

When we are finally there I put my hand over Simons eyes so he can't see anything anymore. I walk a little further. 'Okay, you can open your eyes.'

Simons POV:
I open my eyes and when I do so I see the most beautiful person ever. He is looking really nervous and I understand why. So I decide to make that nervousness go away.

I look around and what I see is incredible. We're at the lake and he made a little picknick thing for us. With some lights and food, and there's even a guitar! 'Wille!! This is so nice. I love you so much.' I say while running into his arms and giving him a big hug. 'I love you too.' He reply's almost immediately.

'I made your favourite pasta!' He says proudly. I walk to the little basket with food and pull it out. 'How did you make this?' I say in surprise. 'I asked your mom for a little help.' He's so sweet. He literally made my favourite pasta, with my mom! I walk up to him and give him a long kiss. 'Wille, I love you. This is perfect.' He smiles and sits down in the blanket. He opens his arms to invite me, so I sit down between his legs and open the little container with pasta. 'Wait a sec. I'm just going to grab a fork.' He grabs into the basket and pulls two forks out.

'Okay, 3, 2, 1.' We both take a big bite, and I see that there's a little bit off the sauce on Willes chin. I wipe it away and he giggles. 'This is so good! It tastes just the same as the one mom always makes.' I give him a big smile and tackle him to the ground so we can cuddle.

'I also have some other food. Most off it is self made!! And I brought a blanket so we can stay her for as long as we want.' He points at the sky and continues talking. 'And we can watch the stars!!!!! But it first needs to get darker.'

'No it doesn't. I can already see my favourite star.' He looks confused at the sky. 'It's right next to me.' I whisper. We both look at each other.

This night is going to be perfect.

90 minutes later:

We ate all the food and it was delicious. We're now in a comfortable conversation about the stars Wille was talking about earlier. I'm laying in his arms and he is softly playing with my hair, while he tells the most weird and beautiful things about the sky. Yes, he is a star boy. And he has always been one.

'Look!!! That's the big bear!!' He points at some stars, but I don't look at them. Because the only thing I am looking at is my beautiful Wille.
This is so short, but I just didn't know what to add...

Next chapter is about the video thing haha


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