Chapter Nine

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"What do you want?" Elena said in annoyance. She was sat in the Mystic Grill reading when she happened to see Damon walking past.

"He was just walking past," a black haired woman said in a bored tone. Elena looked up at the black haired woman and immediately fluttered her eyelashes and twirled her air, "Hello," she spoke seductively.

Amor Morningstar-Potter-Black looked at Elena, "Ew," she said and walked away and proceeded to flirt Jenna who was at the bar.

"So, this is where you spend your time when you're not stabbing people in the back," Damon sassed.

"Your new girlfriend gave up the book. So I got what I wanted," Elena said, gathering her, "And I also made myself clear, Damon. I want nothing to do with you."

Amor walked by, "His new "girlfriend" is my sister and faithful to her husband so am I," she said.

"You just flirted with my aunt!" Elena exclaimed.

"Your aunt is attractive, you are not," Amor states. Amor held up a bag full of food, "I got our stuff."

"Okay," Damon spoke and looked at Elena, "See you at Jenna's barbeque," he said.

"How do you know about Jenna's barbeque?" Elena asked.

Amor rolls her eyes at Elena's nosiness, "She wanted to throw it, took it as an opportunity to reunite with classmate, Mason Lockwood. She invited Damon, me , and my husband," Amor said, pulling Damon away.

"Elena, I could've sworn I just saw you at the Salvatore house with Stefan, weird," Jeremy said in fake confusion. He couldn't decide whether he wanted to annoy his sister or warn Damon about he went with both.

"WHAT?!" Elena screeched.

"Yeah, I snuck away in case you two were having sex, you were awfully close," Jeremy added. Elena's eyelid twitched and she stormed out. "That was fun," Jeremy comments making Damon and Amor laugh.


Sirius was holding crushed up wolfsbane and held his wand over it, muttering something. "So that'll make the wolf not be able to smell it?" Enzo asked, an arm around Damon's waist. He very obviously didn't want Damon to go.

"Mhmm," Amor hummed, "One of us will put it in his drink, then he'll know someone knows," she adds.

Orion II raised his hand, "Why is Papa going?" he asked, motioning to Sirius.

"And why not Dad?" Venus asked, referring to James.

"Because the wolf might detect what Papa shifts in to, and Dad might be mistaken for a vampire," Harry pointed out.

"Exactly," Amor said.


"Thanks for letting me invite Caroline. She could use a day of distraction," Elena said to Jenna.

"isn't she inviting her boyfriend?" Jenna asked.

"She's always with her boyfriend that appeared out of nowhere," Elena grumbled and then saw the raised eyebrow look Jenna was giving her, "What?"

"Aren't you rarely separate from your boyfriend that appeared out of nowhere?" she questioned.

"Good news! I found the shot glasses!" Mason announced.

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