Chapter Five

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Caroline stood outside, staring at the school. Damon had drove her there and they had a plan, they both knew Klaus needed Elena for a ritual. They were going to go along with everything like normal, except Damon was adamant about visiting Enzo. Caroline, on the other hand, was going to be using her new ability to her advantage once she figured out she can copy personalities. Right now, she was feeling her nerves and then she turned to her side to meet the blue eyes of a younger body. Next to him stood Bela looking a little bit younger who raised an eyebrow at her and giving her a look.

Caroline took a deep breath, knowing that look and knowing what the small smile Darrold was giving her and held out her hand to him, silently asking for his help. Darrold walked forward and grabbed her hand with Bela strutting behind.


James had been standing outside the Gilbert's house. Sirius had gotten there and prevented the teenage boy that lived there from overdosing on pills. When he saw Jeremy Gilbert step outside, James immediately said, "You know vampires have the ability to compel?" and heard some pause in the house. Jeremy looked at him with wide eyes, "How do you know what she felt for you was genuine?" he asked.

"It was," Jeremy argued.

"Come here," James said sternly.

Jeremy didn't know what convinced him to walk towards the man, but what did he have to lose at this point? He swore he heard someone try to open the door, only for it to slam shut again. Jeremy walked up to the man, "What?"

"Anna had a friend, one that she was with. One that kidnapped Bonnie and Elena because she wanted a tomb open so she could grab her mother and leave. She was just using you, and your stupid sister and hero haired didn't bother helping you. I bet you remember Vicki now?" James said.

Jeremy nods.

"Vicki died because of your sister," James stated making Jeremy's eyes widen.

"Someone made me forget," he realized, "Stefan's brother."

"I'm getting to that, first off, sign this," James said, holding out a form, and Jeremy just signed it, "You should be really careful what you sign," James said and holds out a card that read 'James is a wizard' "Try to say it out loud," he said to the now cautious boy. Jeremy could hear the door slamming and then something breaking. Jeremy tried to say the statement but every time he did, his mouth shut.

"Silencio," James said, looking at the door and Jeremy couldn't hear the banging anymore, "My kind of wizard is kept a secret. I, however, am a special kind of wizard. I work with Death himself and I wanted to show you this," he said and handed Jeremy some kind of screen. Anna's name was up top and under 'Romantic Partner' the name Ben had been written. "She was using me? Why did she give me vampire blood? And why did that dog take it?" he looked up, "I was going to take these pills from when I still did drugs and this big scary dog somehow got into the house and made me drop the drugs and I ran for it," he explained to James, "Why are you smiling?" he added, noticing the man's big smile.

"That's my husband Sirius," James said, "He's a Grimm shifter and if you know the legend about Grimms or black dogs, they serve as Death Omens. He knew you would die last night and he knew you were not supposed to die, so he stopped you. We also think you need this knowledge over other supernatural cause you should be able to defend yourself since your sister didn't do shit for Caroline."

"Caroline? Is Caroline okay?"

James muttered something and suddenly Jeremy's backpack was in his hand, "You're going to school today, we'll talk on the way," he said. When the two did start walking, James started explaining, "Caroline had been killed by your sister's ancestor doppelganger, however she did not know Caroline had vampire blood in her system when she suffocated Caroline," he said and Jeremy was walking with wide eyes. "Caroline is now a vampire and she was very confused when she woke up until my wife's brother had found her and they are the equivalent to mates."

"I thought you had a husband?" Jeremy asked.

"Good, you're listening, I have a husband and a wife," James answered, secretly judging if Jeremy was going to judge him.

"Okay," was all Jeremy said.

"Anyway, we helped Caroline and she revealed Damon is just an angry person and it is because of Stefan and Elena. Elena is a doppelganger and has this lure to other males and probably females to them. Stefan, he's pulled. Bonnie, she's pulled and doesn't know she's being used for her magic and will refuse any kind of reason. Caroline had been pulled until she was turned and remembered what Damon made her forget. Damon, he's just angry with that pull because he doesn't particularly care her parts," James hinted, knowing Damon was pretty open with it from the way him and Enzo were almost giving everyone a free show in their front lawn. Jeremy's eyes widen again and he nods, "Didn't expect that, but okay," he responds.

"So, anyway, we helped Damon because he does have a lover that was being trapped and tortured and your father was a part of it," James revealed nonchalantly.


"Yeah, your father liked to torture vampires. Damon and his lover had been a part of that group. He doesn't judge you because of your father's actions and he can tell you can think logically. Elena, on the other hand, he can't help but associate your father and her together," James explained.

"Makes sense," Jeremy said, "But is Caroline still doing okay?"

"Yeah, she's right there," James said, motioning is head forward where Caroline stood, now calm, as she held hands with a muscular brown haired man and a female with bright red hair stood with them.

"Is she going to manage?" Jeremy whispered.

"My wife and her siblings are very special and their mates gain that ability. She can mimic her mates' hunger to control herself. By the way," he pauses and Jeremy turns back to him, "Those three you can talk to. If you're able to talk about what I am, then you can talk to them freely," James said, patting Jeremy on the shoulder, "Now go see them."

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