Chapter Eight

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"Thanks for coming, Ric. Can I get you something to drink? Coffee, bourbon? Bourbon in your coffee?" Damon asked.

"Ooo, I want that one," Bela spoke up.

"You know where it is, go at it," Damon called back.

"New girlfriend?" Alaric questioned.

"New friend that's a girl," Damon corrected.

"And married," Bela added.

"And married," Damon added.

"Elena mentioned you need my help," Alaric said hesitantly looking back at Bela who was pouring her bourbon into her coffee. Damon rolled his eyes and threw the glass he was holding at Bela's head only for Bela to grab it with lightning fast reflexes. "As you can see, she's supernatural," Damon clarified, "And she's definitely not going to tell her husband I did that," he adds a bit quieter. He didn't know what to think of the answering devilish smirk Bela wore when she turn around after that comment.

"Okay," Alaric muttered.

Stefan walked in, "Hey, Ric," he stops, "Bela?"

"She's here with me," Damon said. Ric looked confused, did Stefan not hear Bela?

"New girlfriend?" Stefan said and Elena walked in wondering the same thing with a small glare.

"Grandfather's sake," Bela groaned, "I'm Damon's friend and I'm married. Now, Alaric, do you know anything on the Lockwood family," she said, directing her attention from Stefan to Alaric.

"Why would I know anything about the Lockwoods?" Alaric asked.

"Well, you wouldn't. But your dead, not-dead vampire wife might," Damon said.

"Isobel's research from when you guys were at Duke together," Elena said.

"You said that she had spent years researching this town," Stefan added.

"Isobel's research her in Mystic Falls rooted in folklores and legends but at the time I thought much of which was fiction," Alaric told them. Damon saw Bela roll her eyes considering she had been in Mystic Falls a thousand years ago.

"Like that amazing vampire story," Damon comments.

"Aside from vampires, what else?" Elena asked.

"The lycanthrope," Alaric said. Bela looked unimpressed.

"Wait, like werewolves?" Elena questioned.

"Yes, they exist," Bela said.

"How do you know?" Elena spat.

"Elena," Stefan sighed in disappointment.

Bela turned to Elena, "Because considering that you are a doppelganger, you should learn about as much species as you can and keep an open mind since many people would love to use that blood your pumping through your veins," she said a bit sadistically, "Plus, I've met some. None with the last name Lockwood though."

"Stefan, you're a one hundred and fifty something years old and you've never come across one?" Damon questioned. Stefan just shook his head.

"Why do you suspect the Lockwoods?" Alaric asked.

"Because vervain didn't affect the mayor at Founder's Day but the Gilbert device affect him and caused his son to crash his car," Damon said his anger being helped by Bela.

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