Chapter One

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(Mentions of S.A. and Abuse will mentioned throughout this chapter—it will NOT be marked, be warned)

Caroline and Darrold sat up, looking around the destroyed hospital room, "Is it safe to come in? Am I going to need to boil my eyes out because Darrold is naked? I wouldn't mind Caroline, you look hot, but not Darrold," Darrold heard his sister Bela speak through the door.

"Agreed, I sense it stopped though," Amor spoke, also through the door.

"Who are they?" Caroline asked.

"My sisters, also Sins," Darrold told her, snapping his fingers, the room cleaning up and Caroline squealing when the blanket that fell over her made a disappearing act, leaving her naked and bare to Darrold's eyes that already started looking over her, a hunger present in his eyes. "Oh for Father's sake, you're just as bad as Amor and her husbands, some mistake you for Lust instead!" Bela yelled through the door while Amor cackled.

"We're decent," was all Darrold said, snapping some clothes on them, making Caroline jump again as she blushed when the two beautiful women came in. "Brother, we might steal your mate for ourselves," the dark haired woman said. The red haired one next to her nodded.

"You both have husbands," Darrold bluntly pointed out.

The redhead shrugged, "Nik is open for a threesome, we've done it before," she said.

The black haired woman also shrugged, "I'm Lust, my husbands wouldn't be surprised," and then her eyes immediately moved to Caroline, "Who attempted?" she asked sternly.

"W-what?" Caroline stuttered, the other two now having their attention caught.

"You flinched when I mentioned I'm Lust," Amor said. "We are more known as the seven deadly sins or our demon sides, but we also have a virtue or angelic side, I'm Chastity in that case. I know when non-consent happens and I stop it when I'm around and I taught my husbands and children what to look for. It didn't happen, you were a virgin before you jumped my brother's bones, now who did it?"

Caroline took a breath and released it, "Can I ask who you are first?" she directed her question to the redheaded sister. "I'm Bela, I am known as Wrath or Patience," she introduced herself.

"I'm Amor, by the way," Lust/Chastity introduced herself.

"I'm also known as Humility," Darrold spoke up.

Caroline nodded, then thought about it, "Bela, how do you help with Patience?" she asked, having an idea. She saw Darrold look impatient, "It contributes to the story, a friend saved me from it happening, but I wasn't able to remember what we really talked about, he made me think something bad happened and that he caused it. He was trying to paint himself as the bad guy. He acts out in anger too because of Elena, Bonnie, and his brother. He made me fear him when he tried to bite me out of anger, but from what he's told me, I can understand why he's angry," Caroline said.

"My siblings and I try to help our mates with more of our virtue sides, except I think Sloth is going to have the opposite and needs to teach his sin how to relax. His mate is supposed to be very hyper and will overworking themselves," Bela explained, "My husband for example, did not have a very good childhood, his father wasn't great if you know what I mean," Caroline nodded, "My husband and his siblings also happen to be the first vampires, he has a temper because he was meant to be the first hybrid, but his mother cursed him and bound his wolf half. He has been waiting for a while and it makes his temper unbalanced. His younger brother had his magic taken away and it also affected his temper so I have training sessions with the two and give them strategies to keep calmer. I have found that in order to fight off negative feelings like anger, you need that person or people to keep you calm. My sister-in-law Rebekah found hers in a man my husband and I took in as a boy. Finn as Sage, Nik has me, James and Sirius, Amor's husbands had their own problems and Amor helps them through that," Bela explained.

"It seems this friend has made you that person, but he is not confident enough to have you come up to him," Amor theorized.

"Do you think, if he agreed you could help him?" Caroline asked.

"With his anger?" Bela asked.

"Yeah, and another thing. He had to leave a lover behind in a bad place and can't figure out how to get him out," Caroline explained.

"Explain everything," Darrold said after he shared a look with his siblings.

"Bonnie had left me behind when I was drunk. You don't leave you drunk female friend behind. Some vampire had tried to attack me and do that after I stumbled outside and then my friend, Damon, who I had seen inside sped out and killed him. The vampire had also bit me, so Damon explained the thing about vampire blood can heal. He took me home because he had met my mother that day and then told me to forget about it and then I did," Caroline explained.

"Compulsion," Amor said.


"Vampires can compel. You would have to digest vervain which is a weakness for vampires for it to not work, or to wear something with it on it," Bela explained.

"Okay...after that, I ran into Damon again, and somehow recognized him. He looked like he was angry about something and then went out on about Elena and who she looked like and then continued with what Katherine had done," Caroline continued, "And then compelled me not to say anything after I told him to find a reason to move on. He had this trauma, I would assume would be the same kind of thing Bela's husband dealt with when he explained his father. He had told me his brother, Stefan, followed whatever his father said. Then Katherine came along and it became worse. Damon remembers everything Katherine compelled him to do and it just made him angry. Stefan forced him to turn, claiming they would be together, but he became a Ripper and left him behind," she paused letting them take it in as she sat back down on her hospital bed.

"So when did he act out?" Darrold asked.

"It was when Bonnie started practicing magic. We were hanging out more, people thought we were dating because I said he could come to me if he needed to rant and he had my permission to compel me to keep quiet because it would be suspicious if I'm suddenly wearing vervain since Elena was a bitch and didn't give me any and my mother didn't bother giving her daughter any kind of protection. Damon had been told Katherine was in the tomb and needed a stone, he lashed out and bit me, and then compelled me to be afraid of him, but I heard him apologize before he did it. He did it again and it was something Stefan said and Stefan had spiked my drink with vervain. Then somehow, and I really don't know how, Damon managed to call me all the way from the cells in the Salvatore House. Stefan left him to starve. Then, keep in mind I was still compelled, I asked him if he was okay, because he looked like he was about to have a panic attack. He didn't answer and killed Zach Salvatore, who also kept him down there because and was stupid enough to go down there with a hungry angry vampire. He found me later, he had been invited into my house, and compelled me not to scream, remembering that I'm supposed to be afraid of him and then explained Augustine and what had happened to him. That he had met his lover there and promised to get him out, but it never happened, he couldn't get in again. It was why he had been so angry and on the edge of turning off his emotions again. Being in that cage reminded him of the promise he can't keep. Then Bonnie started getting judgmental and Damon came one time mentioning a device that would get rid of the vampires. It turns out Katherine, who he wanted to kill, wasn't in the tomb, in anger he attacked the first Gilbert he could find, which happened to be Jeremy, but he wore a ring that brought him back to life. His hatred for the doppelganger grew as he found out the most recent was the adoptive daughter of the man that tortured him. He was going to put the slightest bit of trust in Stefan, Bonnie, and Elena. He knew the device probably affected other supernaturals with that kind of hearing, and I assume that was what caused Tyler to crash. They found out his uncle was a werewolf and Tyler is an untriggered one, and then that was it," Caroline finished.

The three siblings were silent for a while, "Damon Salvatore is the one that saved your life," a new voice spoke.

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