Chapter Ten

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Jeremy and Jenna, who know knew the "secret" of the Blacks' property, enter with horrified faces, instantly worrying the others. "They're disgusting," Jeremy informed them. The others were relaxing minus James and Sirius who were working on some paperwork. Darrold, Amor, and Bela were procrastinating doing theirs.

"And cringy," Jenna added with a nod.

"Very cringy," Jeremy added, plopping down next to Caroline, "And am I surprised you're here? No," he adds to the blonde sarcastically.

"For my mom being the head of police, she sure doesn't know where I am a lot," Caroline countered.

"And keeps your door unlocked," Damon added.

"That too," Caroline added with a slight nod.

"And how do you know that?" Darrold asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Dar, I told you, Damon and I are friends and I was acting as his unbiased therapist so he could work out his problems. If he had done anything, I would've remembered when I turned, right?" Caroline countered, directing her question to the other two Sins in the room since Enzo would be biased to Damon. When Darrold's sisters nodded, the Sin of Pride relaxed a little more.

"Now," Damon said, looking at Jeremy, "Who were you talking about?"

"Elena and Stefan," Jeremy groaned, sinking against the couch.

"Oh, yeah, cringe," Damon said. Next to him, Enzo was laid back and relaxed as he nodded in agreement.

"It's more entertaining when they're fighting, but now they're pretending they're broken up because of Katherine," Jeremy said.

Damon slightly turned his head to Enzo, "Think her limbs are fixed?" he asked.

Enzo shrugged, "One can wish," he returned.

"What did you do?" everyone asked.

"She was ruining our alone time," Damon said with a shrug.

"She tried sneaking up on me, but I broke her spine with my heel," Caroline added, proudly displaying the heeled show that she did it with.

"Nice," everyone said which Caroline beamed at.

"So...Tyler Lockwood is a werewolf?" Jeremy questioned.

"An untriggered one," Darrold confirmed.

"And these are different from the Wizarding World ones right?" Jenna confirmed.

James and Sirius both look up from their respective paperwork and nod, "In the Wizarding World they have to be bitten by or born from a werewolf and they'll walk be able to walk on two legs," Sirius clarified for those who didn't know, "but these werewolves turn into realistic wolves and runs through bloodlines, triggering if they have killed someone. I'm sure Mason is informing Tyler about this information and warning him not to kill anyone. The problem being Katherine knowing,"

"How would Katherine be the problem?" Caroline asked.

"Because she could compel someone to get Tyler angry," James answered, "These werewolves have bigger tempers."

"I can confirm that," Jeremy spoke up.

"I remember Nik's temper was worse when he was human, he just hid it really well because of Mikael. When his curse hit, it got worse because he triggered his curse, but it got blocked," Bela tried explaining. It was hard to explain Klaus' temper as it was a bit of an unusual case.

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