Chapter Three

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Damon was pacing, Katherine's in town. Elena wouldn't try to kiss him even though she's trying to come on to him. Not pull him to her like Katherine had done. Now, he has been trying to get an update on Caroline because Katherine has now attacked John. Stefan still has a stick up his ass, but what's new there? Damon kept pacing until he heard, "Damon?" and his head snapped to face Caroline.

Caroline, when she left the hospital, was trying to figure out where Damon would be. She knew he was stressed because Katherine was here and she knew he would act out. She exited the hospital and tried to keep the feeling of bloodlust out of her system. She remembered what Darrold told her and looked at a relaxing human and looked him over, and she can't describe how, but she felt calmer as she took in the calm aura that the man had. Then she went and searched after gathering her courage. She was glad she found Damon quickly and called his name.

Damon had looked like a deer caught in headlights, "I know what you compelled me to forget. I wanted to say thank you," Caroline said, making the man freeze more.

"I also wanted to say that you and Enzo did not deserve to be tortured. You do not deserve to have a Ripper as a brother. You did not deserve what Katherine did to you. You did not deserve what Giuseppe did to you," Caroline added, walking forward. "And I want you to tell me about the night Tyler and I crashed," she said.

Damon took a second, "You're a vampire now, aren't you?" he asked, getting closer.

Caroline nodded, fiddling with her fingers, the courage she got from the human beginning to disappear, "Katherine killed me with your blood still in my system. I met some people when I woke up and they are helping me and I think they can help you. I want to know what happened first," she said.

Damon leaned against the wall near the blonde, "Bonnie didn't turn the device off. Stefan got out because Elena did her 'woe-is-me-he's-good' eyes, and got him saved, but didn't get to me. They found me in a basement full of other vampires on fire with vervain in my system," he explained.

"How did you get out?" Caroline asked, her eyes wide with shock.

"The hope that I could still get to Enzo," Damon admitted.

They heard an "Awe" and a "Those fucking bitches" at the same time and heads snapped back to see Amor and Bela. "Darrold was panicking because he wasn't sure if you would've been able to use your ability correctly," Bela said.

"Okay, but I agree, the two faced fucking bitches," Caroline bluntly said.

"Oh Father, you two have already influenced her," a male said, sounding miserable. While a bark like laughter was heard as two more men appeared with another who had his head in his hands.

"Who...?" Damon trailed off.

"The people willing to help you," Caroline explained.

"We need to be in a more private place," Bela informed them.

"I have property here," Sirius mentioned.

"That's what we left to do. You know how paranoid his relatives are," James added. Damon looked back at Caroline and she gave him a reassured look and he agreed to follow.

They all entered the newly cleaned Black property and Damon learned about the Devil's children. "You can help me get Enzo?" he asked with hope.

Darrold had a joyous smile, making others look at him, "Sorry he's a prideful person and he's asking for help, my angelic side is coming out don't judge me," he said in defense, "But yes, we can."

"Caroline," Amor said, "Necklace," she reminded her.

Caroline jumped up, grabbing the necklace, "Amor made this for you."

Damon looked at the pendant with curiosity, "The Petrova doppelgangers have an allure to them. It makes people lust after them and they take advantage. I gave one to the male members of the Mikaelsons who have remained mostly single and it worked. I know you have no interest in Katherine and Elena, but it should help with your anger some," Damon hesitantly put the pendant on and everyone immediately saw the tension in his shoulders disappear.

"So what's the plan?" Damon asked, now visibly calm.

"We could let in a stag who thinks he's a bull and a rabid big black dog," Darrold suggested looking at the husbands of Lust who had innocent smiles.

"Nik is nearby, he could help with weapons," Bela added.

"Caroline could practice her ability," Darrold said.

"What if she gets hurt? She's only been a vampire for not even a day?" Damon immediately asked.

"Damon," Darrold calmly started, noticing his panicked emotions, "Being my mate, she has the ability to blend in. I could blend in by becoming a vampire temporarily because you and Caroline are here," Darrold explained, letting his vampire face flash, "I can shapeshift because of James and Sirius. I can match strength with someone, or match the skills of someone."

"I caught on to the hunger quickly," Caroline added quietly.

"Wait," James said and turned his attention to Caroline, "Blend in with human skin for a second, or Padfoot or I, preferably a human," he said and walked out. He walked back in, "Did you do it?" James asked, "I believe so," Caroline responded.

James stepped closer and Damon got defensive again, noticing what he had, "I just want to test a theory," and put the vervain in Caroline's hand and she didn't react. "She can copy human skin and not be affected by vervain," Sirius concluded.

"You could take the human's ability to not react to vervain," Darrold said.

"Okay," Damon said, "I feel better about her coming. What else?"

"Well, my children have inherited my ability to act like a succubus and incubus, it would kill the bastards, and feed my children," Amor said. The fireplace lit up a green color, startling Caroline and Damon, "Luna said we had to be here," a man said. He looked just like James with very dark eyes and paler skin. A ma and a woman were behind them. They both had black hair and one had silver eyes and the other had brown eyes. Both had pale skins with a hint of a tan and the male had messy hair like the other man. The woman had a figure that was similar to Amor's. "We are attacking a place that experiments on vampires, and your uncle Darrold's mate's friend's lover is in there," Amor said.

"Let's do it," the three said, looking sadistic.

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