"It might seem like mommy is not letting you talk. But I'm sure she had a good explanation for it. She probably didn't know how much you wanted to hangout with your new teammate." I explain lightly.

"I should go say sorry" rose says

"You should." I say smiling and watch as she exits her room. I give them a little time alone to talk so I retreat to our bedroom. I pack up all the little outfits we bought, since she is so little, Lizzie barley has any clothes that fit her, so leave it up to Aunt Scar and Aunt y/n to take care of it. I didn't forget that her sisters are literal fashion designers but they will supply her with all the cute outfits and dresses while scar and I got a lot of essential clothing. Pajamas, onesies, pants and shorts and a ton of burping clothes. Scar said she is going to need a lot of them.

I head downstairs with the packed gift bags and see Rose and Scarlett eating at the island in the kitchen together. They're both smiling and laughing so I'm hoping that means they resolved their problem.

"Bags are packed! How'd I do?" I say putting the gift bags on top of the counter. There are 4 different pink styled bags with cute little princess tiaras on the tissue paper inside the bag.

"Adorable! Good job babe" scar praises.

"Good I'm going to get them in the car. Then we have to leave in about 10 minutes. Okay?" I say and look over at Rose.

"Yep" rose says happily and goes to out her shoes on. Once she's further than ear range I look back at Scarlett and smirk.

"How'd that go?" I ask

"She apologized. She said there's a new girl who's really good that was going to go to Emma's too so thats why she acted out when I said no and asked her to take her shoes off." Scar says before eating that last bit of sandwich and getting up to put the plate in the sink.  I walk over and wrap my arms around her so I can whisper this but the feeling of her body in my hands and her intoxicating scent distracts me. It's been a little bit since we've gotten to touch each other without the worry of Rose walking in. She still can't remember to knock and we always seem to forget to lock the door.

I feel her giggle on my chest when my hands don't stop roaming her body and I shake away my thoughts and say "I think she has a crush" to which she steps back to look at me with her mouth wide open and a shocked look on her face.

"The new girl? Why do you say that!" She asks with a smile

"She told you she was a new girl who was good at soccer, she told me she had the bluest eyes in the world and pretty long blond curly hair. I think she thinks she's pretty." I say and see the gears working in Scarlett's brain through her eyes.

"Oh my god her first crush! And it's a girl! I was not expecting that" she says out loud

"Shhh. Let's talk more later. She's right there" I laugh and we go to join Rose and put our shoes on. After a quick drive, we arrive at Lizzie and Robbie's house. There is cute pink and white balloons outside with a large cardboard cutout of a stork. I know that was her moms doing, and think it's so adorable how excited her whole family is for her.

Rose knocks on the door and Ashley answers it pulling Rose into a big hug.

"Hi Scarlett, Hi y/n." She says and lets us in. As we enter, Rose is already sitting next to Lizzie whose
Holding the baby. Lizzie's mom is in the kitchen with MK and Robbie is sitting on the arm chair across the coffee table from Lizzie.

"How's my little squirt!?" I say excitedly while approaching the little baby. She's sleeping peacefully wrapped up in a blanket in Lizzie arms.

"She's a pooping machine let me tell ya. And she loves my boobs" Lizzie says

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now