25. Troubles and world five

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Storming into Ego's office, Anri seemed determined as she slammed her hands on his desk, looking down at him with a frown.

"Ego-san !"

Ego merely glanced back at her, knowing this wasn't the first time she had a fit like this because of your situation.

"Anri, I already told you,"

He sighed, rubbing his temple before looking up at her.

"Y/n is fine..for now—"

"See ?! For. Now. Which means that at any time of the day, she could be getting into dangerous situation with the players !"

Ego raised an eyebrow, linking his hands together and leaning back in his seat, rewatching some of your matches.

"I trust that she can handle herself well. It's not like I don't care at all, it's just that for now, everyone is tame."

Anri was visibly fuming, her hands trembling slightly.

"But if—"

"If you'd like, we tell her,"

She perked up, immediately nodding but getting stopped by Ego.

"—but she will probably act in a way that will confuse players and that will make violent behaviors grow."

Anri eyebrows furrowed.

"Could we please..at least keep a close eye on her ?"

"Why do you think I spend more time watching her, Anri ?"


Anri blinked, tilting her head.

"You..care ?"

"I do."

Ego rubbed his temple, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"At first glance, I knew something was different, that this "B/n" wasn't really him,

But now, seeing how she captivate everyone around her like a magnet, I do feel uneasy. It's making their behaviors unpredictable, luckily, or maybe not, she indulge and feeds their sick and twisted fantasies about her.

In an unaware way."

Anri face was unreadable as she chewed on her lower lip nervously. Ego glanced at her, hesitating before placing a hand on her lower back.

"If anything happens, I'll take care of it."

"Ego-san..are you telling me that just to calm me down or are you seriously worried..?"

Ego just stared at his screens before sighing and shrugging.

"A little bit of both,

I do not want a talented player like Y/N to get into potential dangerous or lethal situation, if i'm overexagerating it, of course.

But also, her presence seems like an ego boost, some sort of power up for them.

I wish they would be less dependent on her presence and focus on their goal, though."

Anri rubbed her temple, a worried expression on her face.

"As soon as something happens, i'm getting her out of here."

"...do what you want."


Everyone stood in front of the world five.

You shifted on one feet to another nervously, eyes darting between each of them.

Dada smirked, raising an eyebrow in a mocking way as he stared down at all of you's.

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