5. Night Training

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You woke up as you heard rustling in the room, sitting up and rubbing your eyes, careful to not wake up Chigiri.


You blinked and stared at him, tilting your head in confusion as he sat up suddenly, following behind him as he stood up and walked out of the room. As the door closed, you spoke up.

"Isagi ?"

Said player froze, looking back at you with a startled expression before relaxing.

"Oh, it's you B/n. Did I wake you up ?"

You gave him a tilt of the head and a smile.

"It's fine. I was having trouble sleeping anyways. Are you going to tr-"

You stopped yourself and ducked as poor Isagi got a ball thrown at his back by none other than Bachira. You stared at him with dotted eyes as he looked back at you a little surprised before clapping with an amused smile.

"Nice reflex !~"

You laughed nervously, rubbing the back of your neck before looking back at Isagi.

"You okay, Isagi ?"

"Yeah. Don't worry."

Bachira stared at the two of you before smiling, catching the ball in his hands.

"Isagi~ training with B/n ? Are you trying to steal him away ?"

Isagi face reddened as he quickly shook his head in denial.

"N-No ! He just followed me out of the room.."

You smiled innocently as Bachira spoke up.

"Then, want me to train with the both of you ?"


You stretched on the ground next to Isagi, a concentrated look on your face.

"Hey, Bachira ?"

You looked up at the two of them, curious about what they're talking about.

"Hm ?"

"When we played tag, you passed the ball to me but.."

Isagi looked down at you as you stretched, tilting your head to the side with a small smile.

"B/n stole it, is it an act of what ego calls "egoism" ?"

You stared at nothing, thinking back about what you did to Kira.


You started, noticing how the boys seemed interested.

"I dunno, I felt like the ball was just calling me, begging me to shoot it..

..and also Kira acted like a perv."

Isagi sweatdropped at the last part as Bachira stiffled a giggle before speaking up, looking at the ceiling.

"Well..I guess it's because..

There's a monster inside me."

You deadpanned at this, glancing back at Isagi.

Someone forgot their schizophrenia pills..

"A monster ? What do you mean ?"

You nodded in agreement,

"Yeah, yeah ! what do you mean by "a monster" ?"

"When i'm playing soccer.."

Bachira started as he started dribbling, looking straight into Isagi's eyes.

"The monster talks to me; "score a goal. Weave about more" !"

Bachira continued dribbling until he was close to Isagi's face, their noses almost touching.

"But in that moment, the monster said to me: "pass the ball to Isagi". "There's a monster inside him, too." It said."

You stared at the two in awe, deciding to only watch them for now.

"But curiously,"

Bachira said as he went past Isagi and stopped the ball under his feet before turning around and looking at you straight in the eyes.

"The monster couldn't even predict B/n. I feel like there's something even bigger in you B/n. It's dangerous, but in a good way."

You could only stare, mouth agap, completely dumbfounded before trying to form a sentence.

"But I..huh ?"

"When I play, I listen to it's voice. That's it."

Bachira kicked the ball toward you, watching with a smile as you kicked it back with no problem.

"You hear it too, right you two ? The monster's voice ?"

You glanced back at Isagi as you stood up, rolling your shoulder and pushing some hair out of your face. An amused look on your face as you saw how determined Isagi was.

"Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Noel Noa..All amazing players have monsters inside them ! It must prove that you're a striker, that's what I believe."

Bachira kicked the ball up, both Isagi and you watched it bounce back on the ground, staring back at Bachira.

"That's why, Isagi, B/n,

I'm glad I came here because I got to meet you two."

Thinking for a moment, you looked to the side with a small amused smile.
Should I do it ? While they're distracted..that would be funny !

Quickly nodding at yourself, you sneaked up and quietly stole the ball, holding back a laugh as neither Isagi or Bachira noticed.

"Okay ! Let's try ag- huh ?"

Bachira stopped, looking at his feet.

"Where..huh ?"

He blinked in surprise, looking at Isagi, noticing that the ball wasn't at his feet either.

Your body shook slightly as you tried to hold back your laughter, bursting out laughing at Bachira's expression as he pointed his finger at you, wide eyed and mouth opened as he yelled.

"B/N ! How did you ?!"

Isagi stared at you in awe, trying to ignore the heat creeping up his face as he heard your laugh.
It was the most adorable thing he heard from a guy.

Before anyone could say anything, a small ring could be heard as you three looked up the ceiling.

"The results of the fitness tests have been assessed. Please return to your rooms and comfirm the latest rankings."


Weren't you just the cutest ?

Bachira had to physically hold himself back from hogging you all to himself.

Also that stunt you pulled ?! What a sneaky little thing, he loves it.

And he loves you.


Isagi was in awe, of a guy he just met.

Why must you be so tempting ?

Your mannerisms, your scent, your body, your face. You looked so adorable, almost like a girl.

He wonders..are you a girl, B/n ?

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