10. Team Y

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You slapped your cheeks, pouting nervously. The binder was getting more and more on your nerves but not putting it on during the day would be an immediate call on your real gender.

Bachira noticed how tensed up you seemed, even a little taken aback before he chuckled at your actions.

"Hey, hey~ B/n, no need to be so nervous~"

He said, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, using his other hand to ruffle your hair.

"H-Hey ! Leave me be ! If we lose this match we can say bye bye to blue lock..!"

Bachira pouted, nodding before squishing your cheeks with one hand, looking into your eyes.

"C'mon~ it'll be fine ! You're our number 0, our little surprise !~"

"Here they come."

Everyone tensed up slightly, looking toward team Y. You raised an eyebrow, noticing a player who's hair was over his eyes.

"Does..does he even see correctly..? Or at all..?"

Bachira laughed and your cheeks flushed as you noticed you said that out loud. You slapped a hand in front of your mouth and looked away.

"Like us, team Y lost their first match, so their backs are against the wall. They'll be desesperate."

You glanced over to Kuon before feeling a shiver creeping up your spine. You snapped your head back toward team Y. You don't know why, but you had a feeling that number 7 was staring straight at you.

You sucked in a breath, smiling at him, watching how he looked away, brushing some hair in front of his face. You tilted your head curiously.

Huh. Shy ?

"We need to keep a close eye on number 9. His shooting's off the chart. Kumamoto prefecture's top scorer: Ohkawa Hibiki."

Everyone huddled up in a circle, you stood between Isagi and Kunigami, placing your hands on their backs as they placed their on yours.

"But this time we concocted a plan. Let's have faith our practice will pay off. Even if we have to die for it, we will win, Team Z !"

Everyone shouted in unison and you smiled.

"Yeah !"


Kick off !

You watched Bachira dribble, quickly getting past players.

Nice, Bachira !

"Make it two on one ! Don't let him through !"

"I'm coming through~"

Bachira smirked, his egoistic expression on the spot, you stared at him, a feeling of admiration spreading over your body.

Woah..he's so cool..

Before you quickly snapped out of it, seeing the player who's hair hid half of his face steal the ball.


Igaguri passed to Bachira again, you watched attentively as he continued dribbling.

Maybe i'm just losing my mind here..

"It's been ten minutes !"

" 'kay."

Oh. Kunigami's turn !

Your eyes widened as his shot was blocked.

Woah..wait..really ??

You ran back and forth, trying to stay in case things went south. Your eyes narrowed and your expression hardened as Kunigami's shot was again, blocked.

You ran back into position, staring straight at number 7.

Then you noticed Ohkawa.


You turned around and ran, ran as fast as you could.

You could hear some yelling from the other team about your speed, not sure, you were too focused on Ohkawa, your eyes losing their light as you only ran.

How stupid of us. They lead us onto them so that Ohkawa could shoot peacefully. How did I not think of that.

You were quickly catching up to Ohkawa, at least putting some pressure onto him, he tensed up the slightest before shooting, scoring the goal.

You stopped, glaring at Ohkawa.

Ohkawa glanced back at you, his eyebrows furrowing before he ran past you, bumping shoulders with you and smirking with his teammates.

All you could do was clench your fists until they were white, almost drawing blood from how pissed off you were, glaring into Ohkawa's back.

I'm going to fucking kill this guy.

You could feel number 7's stare on you, so you turned around, glaring at him instead.

He looked away, muttering some things to his teammates.

How annoying.

You walked back to your team, already feeling the anger bubbling even more in your body as Raichi yelled at Naruhaya.

Kuon clapped his hands and spoke up, catching everyone's attention.

"Let's not dwell on it. It's only 1-0 !"

You could only glare at him, fists still clenched.

I sure hope their score stays at one.

Kunigami looked down at you, feeling how tensed up and pissed you were, only placing a hand on your shoulder, lifting it when you tensed up even more before you relaxed, blinking as your eyes returned back to their normal lights and your posture relaxed.


You said before looking down, placing a hand on the back of your head.

"I'm sorry I couldn't stop Ohkawa, if only.."


You blinked and looked up, a little taken aback as he placed his hands on your shoulders and leaned down to your height, staring straight into your eyes.

"We're a team, B/n. You did great, but we need to work together, don't take the burden all for yourself. It's only 1-0, like Kuon said. You couldn't stop him, it's fine, you were the closest to being able to stop him between all of us, be proud."

He ruffled your hair as you only stared at him, a mixture of awe and admiration filling your heart.


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