3. Team Z

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You repeated as you walked next to Isagi, uniform already worn. You had to make up a dumb excuse to go to the toilet first and saying you took that opportunity to just change, not noticing how disappointed and defeated Isagi looked.

"Oh, there it is,"

Isagi muttered as he pointed at the Z door, grabbing your wrist again.

You ooh'ed as the door automatically opened almost freezing from the intense stares of the other boys in the room.

"Isagi-kun, B/n-kun ! I'm so glad i'm sharing a room with someone I know !"

Kira beamed as he walked and waved at the two of you, he blinked and let out a small "oh ?" As he noticed that you were already in your uniform, his head tilting to the side.

"B/n-kun, you look really cute in that uniform~"

He said with a sly smile, eyes shamelessly travelling up and down your curves as Isagi discreetly clicked his tongue, only he could do that.

Your scratched the back of your neck awkwardly, discreetly trying to hide yourself behind Isagi as you let out a nervous laugh.

"..thank you, Kira, but I personally don't like how skin tight it is.."

Isagi glanced down at you, a unknown glint in his eyes as he thought;

No, even better B/n-kun, even better.

Isagi laughed nervously, taking a step closer. You squeaked and ducked as you noticed a shirt flying, hitting Isagi square in the head as he let out a startled sound.

"Oh, my bad, threw my clothes too hard."

You looked at the shirtless guy, back at Isagi before snapping your head toward him again.
'Oh shit. How am I ever going to have a chance against those guys ?! They're so muscular..! I must look like.. a shrimp !'

Kira sweatdropped, Isagi deadpanned.

The guy glanced down at you, his eyes softening the slightest before looking back up at Isagi.

"Huh..it's totally fine, here."

Isagi walked toward the guy before you grabbed his wrist, pointing to the ground.

"Carefully, Isagi."

Isagi let out a small "eh ?!" taking a step back as you let go of his wrist.


The boy with bangs muttered in his sleep as you crouched beside him, tilting your head curiously.

"Wow. He can sleep anywhere huh ?"

You said, stopping yourself from poking his cheek as you stood up again.

"Have you finished changing, diamonds in the rough ?"



You stared at nothing as your teammates argued over tag. You looked at Igurashi your mind blank.

"Huh ?"

You muttered to yourself. No way, a game of tag can shatter your dreams ?

I need to survive the 136 seconds.

With a determined nod, you kept your guards up, ready to bolt at any moment.

"Sorry, B/n-kun, you're a real cutie but I need to stay on the team !"

What the hell ?

Igurashi said, a smirk on his face as he ran toward you, shooting the ball as you bolted away. Igurashi gasped in surprise at your speed, blinking and glaring.

"Damnit..I can't hit anyone..!"

The ball rolled toward the boy with bangs, Igurashi noticed that he was still sleeping and he smirked, getting in position to hit him in the head.


You wanted to intervene, your eyes widened and your mouth opened from shock and surprise as Bachira stood on his hands, kicking Igurashi square in the face while dodging the ball.

"Woah !"

You exclamed, eyes filling with sparkles as you stared at the boy in awe.

Awesome !

"HEY ! That's a foul !"

Said Igurashi while holding his bleeding nose and pointing a finger at the boy.


"BAM !"

quiet. It's all quiet as you hit Kira straight in the face. You can feel the sweat dripping down your face, some hair sticking on your cheeks and the uniform feels a bit too tight on your body now. You breath out, head tilted to the side eyes wide and lips parted as you stare down at Kira, not an ounce of guilt on your face.

The boy with bangs has wide eyes and a large smile, Isagi is staring at you, face filled with shock and most of your teammates just stopped to stare at the scene.

Kira, however..

"B/n..kun ? What, huh ? What happened..?"

You stared blankly at him before snapping out of it, the life coming back to your eyes as you rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly and tilted your head.

"The ball came to me and I just.."

"Don't give me that crap ! With that smile of yours, too, are you mocking me ?!"

You took a step back and heard clapping.

"Diamonds in the rough, only results matter here."


Bachira's eye twitched at the sight of your cute face.


How he wish he could just touch you and claim you right here.

He doesn't even bother questioning why a guy makes him feel like this.

Even when you looked like you could swallow Kira whole with that monster of yours, Bachira looked at you like you were the most precious thing in the world.


God, you were so, so cute.

What is happening ? Huh ?

Why is he feeling like this, Kunigami, him ?

He never thought he would fall for a guy.

But you just look so vulnerable and tiny.

How good would your body feel under his touch ? He wonders..

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