9. Bonding

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"How about we share weapons ?"

Kuon said, raising an eyebrow and tilting his head. Most of the guys nodded in agreement but for some reasons, you couldn't shake off a bad feeling.

"My weapon's my magnificent shooting techniques, and my motto is; "sexy soccer !" "


You deadpanned and stared at Raichi who just glared at you, is a way that said; got any problem with what I said ?!

You just sweatdropped and looked away.

"Mine is getting behind."

"Mine is..being physical."

You glanced at Kuon, blinking as you noticed that he started writing down everything that was said.

Maybe i'm just seeing the bad in him but I feel like..

You frowned, chewing on your nail nervously, only for a hand to stop was you were doing.

"Stop it, you're gonna hurt yourself."

You blinked, snapping out of it and looking at Chigiri before rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly, avoiding eye contact as you felt heating rising up your cheeks.

"Oh, I-"

You laughed nervously, noticing that he still had his hands on yours.

"Sorry, must be an habit of mine."

"When you're nervous ? I noticed."

You could feel your cheeks heating up more at the thought of Chigiri paying more attention to you, a shy smile appearing on your face.

"Oh, I, I didn't think anyone really payed attention."


Is all Bachira said before crawling over to you, falling on your lap as you let out a small "eh ?".

You mindlessly started playing with his hair gently, soothing him as you listened to the other's powers.

"Oh, my power ? Oh..uhm..I..wonder what it is.."

Isagi scratched his cheek, trying to find an answer as Igaguri spoke up.

"Your passing ?"

"No, I can't say that as a striker."

Raichi rolled his eyes, waving a hand at Isagi.

"The fact that you don't even know means you're doomed, next !"

"Wait, hold on...!"

Kuon only looked back at his notes, writing down something.

"Well, tell us when you think of something, Chigiri ?"

Chigiri boredly stared at Kuon,

"Not telling."

"Huh ? But that's the whole point of this conversation !"

As Igaguri spoke, Chigiri seemed a little annoyed that they wanted to know his weapon.

"I know, but I don't want to say it."

You raised your hand and rubbed the back of your neck with the other, sending an apologetic smile to Kuon.

"Sorry. I don't want to tell either."

Kuon sighed as Igaguri spoke up again, arguing with you until you threw a pillow at him, making Raichi snort.

"Anyways..a striker needs a powerful weapon, and how you make use of it is important."

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