13. Team W

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Sae Itoshi looked out the window, a hand on his chin as he exhaled.

Grabbing your files, thanks to Ego, he looked through them, his eyes filling with interest at your high skills.

What..? How did he go from mediocre before blue lock to such a prodigy in two matchs..?

He narrowed his eyes, looking back at your picture. He felt his eyes softening when he stared at your picture before he snapped out of it, looking back at your stats.

He could be a terrifying addon to U-20.


You sneezed, Bachira blinked and Kunigami tilted his head.

"Did you catch a cold, N/n ?"

You shook your head before sneezing again. you warmed up quite quickly to Bachira basically treating him like a best friend.

"No i'm fine.."

Kunigami rubbed your head and smiled down at you before blinking in surprise as you sneezed again.

"Be careful, wouldn't want our surprise to catch a cold."

You smiled bashfully before stumbling a little as Bachira threw his arms around you.

"Hey, hey, you know what they say when you sneeze out of nowhere, right ?"

You raised an eyebrow.

"That someone's talking about you ? I don't really believe it that much.."

"You sneezed 3 times N/n ! That must mean that you're getting complimented~ I wonder by who, though."

Bachira said, looking away and glaring at the ground for some reasons. Kunigami tensed up, his jaw clenching as he glanced away, trying to compose himself.

"Well..better than being insulted, I guess ?"


After everyone listened to Lemon, you waited for Kuon to come back, tilting your head back on your chair, you met Chigiri's gaze. He seemed tensed up, so you smiled at him warmly, watching his cheeks grow in colors as he pushed your head back up.


Is all he said, you could almost feel how flustered he was when he talked.

You heard the door open and everyone stared at a red faced Kuon, who's towel was on his shoulder as he panted.

"S..sorry, I kept you waiti-"

You raised an eyebrow before blurting out.

"You seem out of it. Did you jerk off ?"

Everything was quiet.

You quickly realised you said that out loud and slapped a hand in front of your mouth before hearing Bachira and some others bursting out of laughter at your comment.

Kuon looked away, embarrassed, making even more questions rising about him.

"What're you looking away for, was it true ?! Was that the truth ?!"

Even through everyone was laughing, you kept a close eye on Kuon.
That bad feeling..was getting bigger by the minutes.


Everyone was stretching and/or getting into position.

You looked awkwardly at the twins who seemed completely focused on you for some reasons, you narrowed your eyes and glared at them, freezing when one laughed and the other clicked his tongue.

What's with me and attracting the rival team's attention.

Then you remembered your number and the stunt you pulled during the last matchs.

Maybe that's why I sneezed..maybe I got complimented or talked about my number 0..waahh..

You snapped out of your daze, slapping your cheeks to focus.

Kick off !

You watched, somewhat awestruck as the twins communicated with only one of them talking.

Is this what they call twin telepathy..? Oh god. The chaos if I had that with my brother..

You sweatdropped, an uneasy smile on your face.

"Someone stop them !"

Do I ?

You stopped to think.

But they told me to wait, so I can get my surprise effect as always.

You watched in shock as they effortlessly went through your defense, even taunting Chigiri. You couldn't quite hear what they said, but his face and body langage said everything. It was bad.

You cheered mentally as Isagi took the ball, getting ready into position if they ask for you.

Igaguri shot toward Kuon, you silently prayed that a goal could be scored, yelling when Kuon scored with his head.

"Kuon !!!"

You ran toward him, a smile on your face as you jumped on his back.

"Good job man !!"

Kuon laughed, placing his hands under your thighs to steady you before you jumped off, patting his shoulder.

"Continue like this, Kuon ! I believe in you !"

You could tell he felt flattered in your words but also a hint of..shame ? Guilt..?

You brushed it off, walking back into position and stretching your arms.

You watched again as the twins argued before Kunigami came in, trying to steal the ball.

Nice, Kunigami..

You ran to help just in time as Kunigami kicked the ball toward Bachira, you ran with Bachira.

"I'll help the best I can~"

You said cheekily.

"Hehe, i'll be fine N/n~ we're focusing on Kuon-chan right now !~"

You nodded, coming over to help Kuon, you watched as he jumped, bringing the ball down.

"A shot..? From here..?"

You whispered as your eyes slightly widened when the goal was scored.

You threw yourself at Kuon, making him stumble before he caught you.

"Kuon you mad man !! I never knew you could do that !"

Kuon stared at you, his fingers digging into your thighs as he steadied you.

"I think..i'm on fire today !"


Kuon scored again.

You frowned, looking around you before looking at Kuon suspiciously.

Okayy..i'm probably judging too much but..it feels weird, seeing that much goals from him, that easily too ? It's like they're letting him score or something.

You shook your head, rubbing your temples, not noticing how the twins smiled creepily at you.

He definitely noticed, brother.

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