Chapter 8 - Maybe the ship hasn't entirely sailed

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Tw: Sodo not great at words.

Your days were like walking on eggshells, as if breathing wrong would send you back to the pit. You knew better than to speak to Sodo. It didn't matter if you were in a good or bad mood; it would end in expulsion.

You healed quickly, letting the clergy take care of you, and in the night, you took out as many cherubs in the forest as you could come across with Henry by your side. It left you tired. Most humans could tell you were on edge, but you couldn't tell them why because that might become another strike on your name. Copia had nothing for you, and you didn't want to discuss it with him. As a result, you were a chihuahua constantly waiting for the next shoe to drop.

"You going to keep ignoring me?"

You jumped with wild eyes, landing on Sodomiser. You were a chipmunk caught eating the wrong guy's nuts. You hadn't realised how close to the end of sorting you'd gotten till he spoke up a few rows from you. You let out a long breath. "I can't get into trouble again, Sodo." You picked up some gaudy Samhain decorations and boxed them obediently. Then tossed some weapons haphazardly in the direction of your arsenal pile.

"Ah... that's what this is about," he muttered.


"So not..."

You frowned at him through the gaps in the shelving. "What the fuck did you do now?"

You caught his mouth tug. "Huh—nothing then."

"Are you saying 'nothing then' because I haven't seen it yet... or I have, and it didn't register it... or..."

"She has got you high-strung, hasn't she?"

"Fuck off, Sodo." Just because he was somehow expected to act a certain way doesn't mean he should have a different standard from you.

"Really regretting that Cardinal title, huh? She looks keen on snubbing it from you. Why did you take it anyway?"

"Seemed like it was a good idea at the time," you muttered. Terzo had wanted to give you a place you felt you belonged in the church. The warning system was only in place for major 'cock-ups,' as he put it. No ghoul had had that kind of power within the church before, and they weren't wholly sure how you would use it. And it had worked—the humans were more friendly to you in your cassock, and you were safe and loved.

And then he died.

"Bet you're enjoying your place at the church; they don't seem to give a shit what you do around here..." you muttered under your breath, but you knew he'd hear you anyway.

"I'm here with you as punishment, so I suppose they give some of a shit," he shrugged.

"Sure..." you weren't really angry at him. Just angry about him. You gathered your solstice box and walked it towards the winter quadrant.

He followed you in step with his own box of winter goodies.

This could only end badly.

"So you've been fantasising about Swiss and I, or?" He prompted.

"No matter how many times you say it, your dreams will not be coming true here—I have no interest in your bony ass. No fantasising. Not happening." You grumbled. Why did you reply? Why did you feel the need to reply? He was only going to turn it all around and goed you into a fistfight or something just as stupid.

"Huh, the way you kissed me in the forest, I would have thought otherwise~" he purred.

Your head turned slowly. You had forgotten that happened. He had fucking started it, but you did kiss him back and what the hell? Why would you do that? "Oh, that's what you thought the silent treatment was about? Me; pillaging my heart, figuring out how I feel about you? 'UwU I wonder how Sodomiser feels about me'?—That was an attack of your mouth on mine and..."

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