Chapter 6 - As if youuw cwould outwun me!

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Tw: bloody, gore, wtf is going on? uh, yeah I don't know what to say

The abandoned abbey sat in a paddock in the middle of nowhere for maximum cult aesthetic. You had no idea what happened to its congregation but suspected Kool-aid might have something to do with it. You neared it, and the consecrated ground turned your stomach. Fucking gross.

"Sodo, if you're here, I'm going to skin you," you muttered. From what you'd heard from some of your congregation, the little imp could not get enough of this place. You eyed the forest treeline in the distance, and you felt safe. The forest was always safe. "Short shit?" You called.

You caught a face in the window.

It had to be him. The hair on your nape stood on end regardless. Gah, little shit!

"I'm not going in there," You rubbed your arms, though the spring wasn't cold anymore.

The door creaked open slowly.

You took a long huff of air, and your nose twitched. You could smell Sodo close by. "I'm really not going in," you reaffirmed and sat your ass on an old crucifix tombstone. You narrowed your eyes on a bald stone angel. It was unsettling, like it was staring at you. Maybe all angels gave you the willies.

It took a few minutes of you staring at this angel for him to pop his head out of the church. "Naw, come on, Twinkles, where is your sense of adventure?"

"It got one look at you and shrivelled up and died; Sister is going to kick our asses. Hurry up."

"You were out hunting. I wasn't just gonna wait for you," Sodomiser muttered and sighed dramatically before coming closer to you on your headstone.

"Well, I'm done hunting, so... what is happening?" What was happening was he ran hands down your arms and stole both your hands.

"Don't you wanna kill some cherubs, ______?" He tugged you into standing.

You looked at your grey hands in his, then back up to him. "What the fuck, Sodo? Seduce someone else into chasing imaginary cherubs with you." You yanked your hands away and sat back down. "And there is no way a cherub would ever come this close to our territory."

He frowned at his palms for a moment before recovering, "I know they're in there," he walked backwards a little ways, "trust me."

"Trust... trust you? In what universe?" you were flummoxed; what a thing to ask.

"Hey, have I lied to you?" his eyes were soft and genuine.

"You're kidding, right?" You frowned in thought.

"Lying isn't my style..."

"You once told me we were dressing up for Halloween—I was the only one dressed as a sexy nurse during the ritual for Samhain. You're lucky the clergy was so into it because I was going to fucking murder you."

"Apart from..."

"You once told me Phantom was waiting for me in the courtyard and then threw old fish off the roof at me—I smelt like tuna for days."


"You let a hellhound into my greenhouse."

"I didn't lie about that one..."

"You told me it was Rain."

"Ah. I see."

"I'm not going in there; you've been in there all morning. You have had so much time to set up all kinds of bullshit—there is going to be a cannon full of fish and hellhounds in there."

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