Chapter 1 - Go eat Worms

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You hummed softly, swaying in the lazy light of early spring. You spun barefoot around your well-trodden paths of the greenhouse, which hid in the great shadow of the cathedral. Your waltz caused your tail to sweep the dirt floor and the skirts of your white cassock to flutter.

You stopped dead in your tracks. "Just look at you~" you chirped, pausing to admire one of your black roses. "Friend, you're early; the ritual dance isn't for another three weeks," you tapped the early bloomer on the head. "Maybe I'll dry you out so people can still enjoy all the work you've put into being pretty, hmm?" You pondered for a while before pouring some water from your watering can. The water ran red. The rose could not be happier.

"Cardinal _______," came a soft call.

A smile slowly peeled over your face; your teeth were sharp, but your demeanour wasn't threatening. "Sister Maria~" you sparkled and peered down from the balcony, "I'm in the roses—from memory, you liked my roses, hum?"

"O—o.. yes, Cardinal." You were her Juliet on your balcony, and the small slight of a girl turned bright beet red.

You cocked your brow and gave her an unassuming grin. "Whatever has you so flustered, Sister?"

"N-nothing, uh, Papa Emeritus has sent for you, Cardinal."

"And here I was thinking you'd come to see me, Sister," you teased and picked up your snips from your tool table. "I'll be down in a moment." Your voice turned to whisper, "You want to go with her, huh? That's why you were early, very sly of you." You took the rose low on the stem and replaced your snips on the bench before walking down the spiral steps, flower in tow. "You look lovely today, Sister~" you twittered.

"Oh, t-thank you..." The scarlet of her cheeks contrasted her black habit.

You expertly dethorned the rose with quick claws.  "Here you are," you gave a short bow and offered the plant.

"T-thank you, Cardinal," she stammered and looked away as she twirled the stem between her fingers.

"Anytime, Sister~ You know I appreciate your company~" You twinkled and danced around her, tail moving like a streamer in your wake. "Will you walk with me to see Papa~?"

"No-no, I'm needed in the kitchens today."

You clicked your tongue, "Ah, too bad—and still, I think I can tell when you are helping out in the kitchens, the meals taste a little extra... mhhm." You made the universal hand sign for 'fucking delicious'.

"Oh, I just chop..."

"It's not what goes in... it's the way you smell," you slowly flashed her your teeth.

She swallowed.

"Anyway~ I'll see you later, Sister; enjoy your rose~" you beamed and near-skipped away to Papa Copia's offices.


"Meet in Aeth's room after practice?" Rain the water ghoul prompted the group of dark-clad ghouls in his soft-spoken voice.

"Yeah, you can all try my new brew," Swiss's grin was too big, it always was.

"Eugh, you didn't make this one in your toilet again, right?" Aether wrinkled his nose.

"Noooo...." Swiss waved off in a way that everyone with ears could tell he was full of shit.

"Oh, you so did, fucking minging, man," Aether was loud. His voice echoed up the polished marble hallway.

"Naw, come on, it adds to the-the... experience. It's fucking powerful stuff—I've been bothering Papa for a distiller."

"I don't care about the minutia and the abience of your fucking toilet, man!" Aeth's nose wrinkled.

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