Chapter 24: My love is it real?

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[A/N: Hey guys it's the lonely writer here! Just wanna say that you can now follow me on Tumblr at heyitsthelonelywriter1 I'll answer questions and suggestions and I'll be drawing art for the stories I make! Okay on to the update!]

Mike's P.O.V

I stared at my phone as I once again dialed Jeremy's number, hoping he would finally answer me....where was he? I checked everywhere I could usually find him but he was still no where to be found. I had gone looking for him after work was over and I couldn't find him at our house. He wasn't hanging around school and he wasn't around the park, so now I decided to check at his old neighborhood.

Why had he even left? Was it just for a walk? Was it because he was upset with me? What had I done..? I got a shallow feeling in my heart that made it hurt whenever Jeremy crossed my mind, thoughts raced back to everything he ever told me. Was he back with those gangs? Were any of his relatives here to take him away? My pace quickened as questions racked my mind.

Finally I found him....again Vince was there, I tapped him on the shoulder and raised and eyebrow with a small glare. He let go of an unconscious Jeremy as his face went a little pale, he was about to run but I swung my fist into his face, sure it wasn't enough to knock him out but at least he had a bloody nose and lip now.

Now I turned my attention to Jeremy...he was breathing but it was slow.

The reality of the situation hit me like a bus as I started shaking, why you may ask? Because Jeremy was barely breathing and this was all my fault. Shaky hands dialed 911 and the rest was a blur as I began to administer CPR.

It was ten hours later when he woke up.

I tried to talk to him but the nurse said that he didn't want to see me, I felt like breaking down. What had I done...?

Why was he acting like this...?

I stayed all day so they eventually made me leave for home when the visiting hours were up, nothing had changed in the time I waited. They told me that he was at least going to be okay, but how was I to know? For all I knew they could be lying to me and he could be dying.

It was at twelve when I got a call from him, I immediately picked it up just wanting to hear his voice again. "Jeremy are you okay?!"
"I'm serious, are you okay?"
"I just want to know you almost died and I-"
"Mike I want to break up."

My heart stopped. What...? Why? How come? How long had he felt this way? Why now, why not earlier? What did I do? "W-What....?" I asked my voice cracking, he went on a long explanation but I was only half listening. Something about I'm never there....he wasn't safe with me...

Finally we said our goodbyes and he was sorry but how could he be? If he was sorry then he wouldn't have said that right...? I didn't go to sleep that night, I didn't go to work, I didn't go to school, I didn't do anything. Scott tried to comfort me as well as Fritz but not nothing really helped...

Hate to love you [Jeremike]Where stories live. Discover now