Chapter 3:Standing Up...Or Not

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[A/N:Eyyy I'm home sick today so let's welcome chapter three! Hooray! Trigger Warning: Blood and Swearing. Also violence and abuse.]

Jeremy's P.O.V

I was in pain all day after Mike beat me up....I don't even know why he hates me so much, what did I ever do to him..? Ever since I moved here he's been like the worst bully of them all to to my dad....I never liked my dad...He's...abusive. This is why I'm usually the first one at the bus stop before Mike and Scott get there just to hit me before they get caught by the bus driver, of course there were other bullies but they weren't as bad as Mike.

See I had a plan, after I graduated college I would get a house of my own and a job...of course I needed a job right now so maybe the after college job will be better than what I will have, I always heard Mike talking about how "brave" he was since he survived what was it? Five nights as a night shift for a pizzeria? Yeah that's what it was....Anyways, it didn't seem like a big deal. Animatronics moved during the day and not the night so how hard could it be?

I was in the gym after school had ended, I usually hide in here for a bit as the school emptied out because I didn't want to be caught by the bullies but I should have known that you can't hide forever...As I was heading to the door someone yanked me back and threw me to the ground. I yelped out in pain covering my face as I was pulled to my feet again, whomever my attacker wasI couldn't see their face.....but they punched me harshly in the gut causing the air in my lungs to practically vanish.

I was too weak, I couldn't fight back....I couldn't call for help....I couldn't even just curl up in a ball while they beat me up......"Yeah how do you like that you piece of fucking shit?! You're a waste to the world so just go kill your ugly ass and rot in hell." They shouted of course these were words I was accustomed to hearing from the bullies and my father. Whoever they were took a long time since I was laying in a small pile of my own blood when they left. And although I was in excruciating pain and I wanted to just close my eyes and let death take me away I stayed conscious. While they left I made sure to get a good look at them from what I could since my eye was swelling from the pain, I most likely had a black eye...great, but the only noticeable thing about them was a small red beanie on top of their head.

After laying there for what seemed like forever, it was actually three hours, I got up and started trudging home, however the most shocking thing that happened that day wasn't even the attack it was when the attacker apologized straight to my face. You see Mike has these weird stitches on the top of his head plus he's kinda bald, some black hair is finally growing in though, so he wears beanies. A lot. So imagine my surprise when as I'm walking to my house Mike walks over to me gladly wanting to beat me up but he sees how shitty I look, and you never thought he'd be able to do it but Mike Schmidt the schmuck actually gave me sympathy.

I was actually just about to say 'Thanks' when my eyes caught sight of what was on his head..a smile bright red beanie. I felt my blood run cold, what the fuck was with this guy? Beat me up one second then fucking apologize and act like it never happened the next?! "Yo Jeremy? You okay?" He asked nudging my shoulder, I said nothing but I ran. I ran so fast I don't even think he had a chance to catch up to me. Once I was home however my neck was grabbed and I was pinned against a wall gasping for breath. My father was awake. "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?!" He yelled in my face, I was shaking in fear so much that I couldn't respond but I mustered a small whimpered. He slapped me hard across the face. I cried out as he dropped me. "GET TO YOUR ROOM YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT." He growled and I clambered up the stairs sobbing while I did so, why was my life like this?

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