Chapter 2:College

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[A/N:Eyy I came home early so I decided to write another chapter! HOORAY! Also small swearing in here so be warned!]

Mike's P.O.V

I growled as my alarm clock went off, was it already six? I got up and got dressed throwing on a red beanie and black hoodie, with some jeans that were a little ripped but I didn't care, the faster I got out of here the faster I could go to school and then go to work with all those bratty kids. I walked to the bus and of course Jeremy Fucksgerald was already there probably being a little problem....

Me and him never got along...he saw the world one way and I saw it another. Some people (more like everyone) agreed with me and hated that stupid kid. He never even really stood out at school, just kinda sat there answered questions whenever he was asked, avoided eye contact with practically everyone, and always stuttered. Why? I don't know but why in the world should I care about him?

I leaned against a poll beside him, he hardly acknowledged my presence as he took a small glance in my direction yet said nothing.... I decided to finally break the silence as my other friend Scott arrived, I told him about my time as a night watch at Freddy's but I made sure I was loud enough so Fucksgerald could hear me. "Yeah, one time that jerk Foxy tried to get into the office while I wasn't looking. Of course I was brave enough to face him head." Now before I could continue I heard a small scoff, alright let's play the 'Who scoffed at MIKE?' game. Was it Scott? Nope. The bus? Okay buses don't talk so get off whatever drugs you're on...

If you guessed Jeremy then you are correct! Way to go, you found information that I knew five minutes ago! "You wanna say something Fucksgerald?" I growled turning to glare at him. "O-Oh nothing o-o-other th-than you're f-full of sh-shit Schmidt..." He muttered hardly looking at me, now that pissed me off so I shoved him a bit. He growled a little and tried to retaliate with a punch but it ended with me grasping his fist and almost flinging him back at least ten feet.

In actuality I threw him back to the ground. He flinched and whimpered a bit glaring at me. "F-Fuck you Mike!" He shouted, I gave him a swift kick to the gut and that seemed to shut him up after he got up coughing lightly, hey don't yell at me the little jerk deserved it! Finally the bus arrived to take us to school, I sat next to Doll with Fritz and Scott behind us. Fucksgerald sat in the back like the lonely little jerk he was. I didn't even care about the people calling him names from the back, hell he could die for all I care. He's just a worthless piece of crap.

Hate to love you [Jeremike]Where stories live. Discover now