Chapter 21: Say what you need to say

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[A/N: I need some angst right now because 'certain' people are just jerks who yell at you if you ask about one thing so I will give horrible angst. TRIGGER WARNING: Violence and Swearing.]

Mike's P.O.V

Jeremy and I had been together for almost three weeks now and neither of us could be happier, I know I don't seem like the kind of guy that would like him, frail small and weak but you know what? That was the old me, I have learned to change and with that change I have learned to love. Love is still a word I can hardly say though...I never even told Doll that I loved her and as much sad I hated to say it...but I still hadn't said it to Jeremy either. It's just hard for me to say...I don't know why though. I mean yeah I've said I care about him before but never in my life had I said I loved him or anyone for that matter.

School let back in after awhile and we had little time to even see each other so no one knew that we were together. Everyone on the bus still thought we hated each other so when we started sitting together instead of away from each other it kinda scared them, they didn't know if we were going to be friends or if we were just going to silently fight with each other. But nothing ever happened, if one of the other riders were to look closely at the two they would see us holding hands, smiling as we whispered sweet little nothings to ourselves. Yet no one saw and that made both of us happy, of course things were still hard on Jeremy's end...he was still bullied and I couldn't do anything about it because my classes were farther from his and we only had gym together. I sighed as I drummed my hands against my desk wondering what he was up to.

Jeremy's P.O.V


A fist connected with my jaw and I stumbled backwards falling on my ass. I whimpered as I glared up at Damien...he was another one of my bullies besides Vince and he had all classes with me...currently I'm in the locker room with him after sixth period let out, this was my last class of the day and it was already going bad...I grimaced as he yanked me up from the floor dragging me towards a part of the room that no one was allowed to go in. It was just a storage room and we used to be allowed to go in there but after some time people started using it for sex, and of course I had seen Damien go in here once or twice. I realized that this could happen to me right now so I doubled my efforts to get away, it didn't really work. He opened the door and shoved me down to the floor, stepping in and closing the door behind him softly.

I whimpered a little when he looked over at me...Damien was stronger and taller than me plus he had the advantage of knowing what's in here. He sauntered over to me grasping my neck tightly, he lifted me up and I swung my legs out at him trying to get away. He grinned and only squeezed harder, my lungs were starting to burn and I felt tears trickle down my face. I needed help, I needed Mike...I got an idea and I probably didn't have time to think it through so I swung one leg out really fast and I hit him really hard in the stomach, he let go of me and I fell to the floor gasping for air. Shakily I got up and bolted further into the room since he was blocking the door, I hid behind some toppled over goal posts. I covered my mouth so I wouldn't be heard as he searched for me...I was shaking a lot, and I couldn't help but cry.

Damien was searching for awhile and he still hasn't found me so I decided to try and make my way to the door, it was a bad idea. "Where do you think you're going little bird?" A voice behind me asked, I felt myself be turned around and I tried to scream but a harsh slap to the face stopped me. I cried out in pain as he grasped my hair roughly. "Do you think you are so special? Do you really think that anyone could care about you? You're pathetic, you're weak, you're not ne-" Damien growled but stopped when he was hit by something or should I say someone. Mike was standing over his unconscious body with a hockey stick, I practically jumped into his arms sobbing. He wrapped his arms around me tightly as I tried to relax..."Jere don't listen to him okay? He's a fucking idiot, you're not pathetic or weak. Hell you took down Freddy Fazfuck when I couldn't." He stated kissing me gently.

I nodded and I tried to calm down shaking still. "Hey Jeremy you know what...?" He asked, "W-What is i-it Mike..?" I responded as I curled into his arms.

"I love you."

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