Chapter 16: Not Caring And Not Going Back

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[A/N: I really don't know what to do with myself anymore...I can't get out of this state anymore and it sucks but no one I just don't care anymore. But like I said before I'm not going to give up on the story...Also I'm pretty mad right now so yeah, prepare for a crap ton of angst.]

[Trigger Warning: Swearing, Rape Mention, Blood, and Fighting.]

Mike's P.O.V

I frowned as Jeremy walked away...maybe I had been to hard on him, he didn't seem like it when he left so I could be wrong but I hardly doubted it because he would have said something to my face right? I shrugged it off for now and went home, I never got a lot of sleep so I just got ready for school, sadly it was Monday...the beginning of another fantastic week! Man you could just hear the fucking sarcasm in my I right? No? Well screw you too then, anyways when I got to the bus stop Jeremy was already there. Fritz wasn't going to be here today cause he was sick and Scott was on the day shift, right now so it was just going to be me and Doll. I leaned against the sign when he finally spoke.

"So you still going to be an ass?" He asked not even looking at me. I nearly sputtered in my response. "What the hell did you just say to me punk?" I snarled glaring at him. He made no move to retaliate but he did let out a loud sigh and then slowly repeated what he had said. "You better hold you fucking tongue be-" I started but what he said next made me regret my next actions. "Make me." My actions took control of me and in the next moment I had my hands wrapped around his neck and I had him against the pole I had been leaning on. "Oh you want me to make you rape bait? I can be damn sure that I can make your life shit." I growled shoving him to the ground.

That shut him up. I moved over to the bench and I hated myself inside...why had I even done that? I could hear quiet sniffling and small whimpers...I felt a pit in my stomach, god was this guilt? I hated to admit it but I probably shouldn't have done that but my anger had gotten the best of me...and I just overreacted, Doll never came to the bus stop so it was just me and Fucksgerald...wait a second...I didn't just say that did I...? Oh fuck I did, why was I using that damn name again....great, this was going to make me feel bad all day wasn't it?

The bus came and I got on, Jeremy Fucksg- er- Fitzgerald...followed me but once again passed me and went to the back. I glared at him as he passed but we both said nothing...the day seemed to slip on by for a Monday. It was at the end of the day when I just lost control...I was in the gym punching something when I heard the door open, I looked over to see it was Jeremy, I looked away with a scowl as I went back to hitting the bag. He walked by me and sometimes I swear I could hear people talking to themselves...sure sometimes I'm wrong but this time I wasn't...I heard what he had said. "Asshole..." He muttered walking behind me and before I knew it I swung right at him. My fist connected with his face and he stumbled backwards, then I was on top of him, my hands on his neck just like earlier.

He was kicking me with all his might but I was stronger than him, I could overpower him with ease. He finally bit part of my arm harshly and I let go, little fucker drew blood. He managed to get out from under me and was currently holding his neck and taking in deep breathes. I sauntered over to him with clutched fists, I was super fucking pissed right now. And nothing was going to hold me back, I grabbed him and slammed him against a wall, he flinched in my grip which caught me off guard a little but I made sure as shit that it didn't show. "What the hell prick?! You think you can just march up in here, thinking your tough as shit and try to fuck with me? Oh hell no dipshipt...after all I've done for you and you treat me like shit? What the actual fuck is wrong with you?" I growled. Once more he avoided my eyes hell even my face, but I bet he was regretting coming here now...

"Y-You haven't done anything f-for me Mike...y-you said you cared th-then acted like I-I was fucking insane w-when I was telling the truth...So I-I want to know, w-which is it? Am I insane o-or am I right?" He asked, his eyes met mine and my heart nearly broke when I saw green eyes filled with tears and I slightly bloody lip and nose looking back at my cold icy blue ones. What the fuck had I seriously done? He's weaker than me and I beat the living shit out of him...I let him go and turned to walk away when he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back towards him. "I-I want an answer!" He demanded, honestly I nearly laughed. "Well you're not going to get one, too bad so sad." I responded shrugging. Jeremy frowned and turned to leave, I don't think that I was going to go to work today. See how he survives without me...but I felt like something was wrong as I walked home, something didn't feel right...I couldn't place the feeling though and where it was coming from...

I found out however, in the end I decided to go to work and as I was walking (yeah yeah leave me to walk Doll...why did she even have to borrow my truck?) when I saw him. And I know you think it's going to be Jeremy right? Well you're half right, it was him and Vincent, clearly Jeremy did not want to be there because he was pinned against the wall and struggling to get away. "L-Let me g-go V-Vincent!" He shouted trying to push his arms away, suddenly I felt jealousy in me...but why? I hated Jeremy, he was such an ass to me today! Or was it me that was being an ass? I mean he never tried to hit me...all he did was try to get me off of him. "You're cute when you're mad though~" He chuckled leaning closer to kiss him, okay that's it I was not going to stand this.

I walked over to him and shoved him away from Jeremy. "Get lost you purple haired fuck." I shouted, he glared at me and flipped me off before walking away. I heard a small sigh and Jeremy muttered a little "Thank you..." and I nodded and muttered "Don't mention it..."

Hate to love you [Jeremike]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें