A New Star Approaches

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Having finally destroyed Osial and clearing up everything with the Adepti and Qixing, Kunimitsu and the group including Tingyun make their way to the Northland Bank. Kunimitsu was pissed that Childe tried to flood Liyue with an ancient god and he was gonna give him a piece of his mind.

Bennett: "Kunimitsu maybe you should calm down a bit."

Kunimitsu: "Not till I give Childe an earful and a painful beating."

Once they reached the Northland Bank, they hear voices inside.

???: "You call this "cooperation between harbingers"? Cooperation requires communication you know."

???: "Hehe don't take it to heart, Childe. Besides aren't you happy that you got to skip the formalities and bring chaos to the land? I'm sure you must've enjoyed that..."

Kunimitsu clenches his fist when he hears that familiar voice. He kicks the doors open and sees...Childe, Zhongli and La Signora.

Signora: "Oh, it seems that some of your friends have arrived

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Signora: "Oh, it seems that some of your friends have arrived."

Paimon: "Hey it's Zhongli and Childe and...You! You're also one of the Harbingers!"

Kunimitsu/Lumine: "Signora!"

Signora: "Haha, it's you three. I believe we've met once before...in the City of Bards was it? I'm glad you still remember my name. Ah right, I imagine that it must have been rather hard to forget watching helplessly as something precious was snatched away from your friend."

Kunimitsu: "I still have time to take it back from your cold dead corpse!"

His eyes glow purple as he approaches Signora but Paimon, Lumine and Tingyun hold him back to quell his anger. Even tho Lumine herself is feeling angry just like the prince.

Paimon: "No don't let her get to you two. You've yet to gather the powers of all seven elements and our last battle at the Golden House was almost more than you could handle. You too Kunimitsu, you still have to return to your home. So it might be best to keep things peaceful this time, seeing that two of the harbingers are here."

Kunimitsu: 'Easy for you to say. I can take on six harbingers.'

Childe: "Well if it isn't you guys and Vepar. This is our first time seeing each other since Liyue was nearly wiped off the map. This is certainly a bit...awkward. Wouldn't you say?"

Paimon: "Hmph. Paimon knew that we should never have trusted a Fatui Harbinger."

Kunimitsu: "OH YOU DONT SAY!"

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