Picture Perfect

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Put that down.



Don't have that on your phone.

I just want to be alone.

I know I'm ugly and I'm fat,

I know my hair looks like a rat.

I hate when you take pictures, and tell me to smile,

And I end up bottling up all my worries into a pile.

"Just get over it"

"Suck it up"

That's all I ever hear.

And all I want to is disappear.

There's no where I want to be besides the ground,

So why can't you just let me go down?

No one cares about me, I know it,

So don't try and lie to me and say I'm pretty.

I know I'm a mess,

I know I'm a pest.

I know I'm not popular,

I know I'm annoying.

I know you don't like me,

So why don't you go ahead and show it?

Say it to my face,

Tell me, be honest.

Because after everything I've been through,

I think I deserve the truth.

Don't worry guys, I'm fine. I've just been thinking abt a friend and wrote this for them. I mean, I am going through some shit abt figuring out who I am, but I should be fine :D

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