My Life

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I wish time could stop,

Could freeze,

Just for a moment.

I wish I could be happy, and not be my own opponent.

But that's not what my life is,

No matter how hard I try.

Because the truth is, I hate the things I do, and wish they could bye.

I hate how I see you, everywhere in the halls,

I hate how I'm sewn together, like a brand-new doll.

I hate how I can't walk upstairs, and have to take different routes,

I hate how people stare at me, like I'm a rotten old boot.

I hate how I can't talk to him, and don't know how to say hi,

I hate how I walk into my classes and have to oblige.

And yet, I love some parts of my life.

Whenever I see that orange app, I can't help but smile.

I love how I can go here, and feel understood,

I love how I can post here and feel good.

I love how people can relate to me and chat,

And yet, I fear that this whole thing may fall flat.

I hate being my own boss, and telling myself what to do,

I hate having to shout at myself when things are due.

I hate going here, and feeling like I'm failing my parents,

I hate looking at them, and my dad wounding all my impairments.

I hate how bad things have gotten, just like that,

And I'm scared that one day,

the breath that I take may be my last.

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