A Flower With No Petals

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Deep in the flowery meadow

Where the sun likes to fall and settle

Two husbands lived in peace

With nothing but love.

The dirty-blonde, who loved his 'petal'

Would fight and die from the enemies vessel.

The cyan haired, who cared for his 'flower'

would fight, fight, and flee with cower.

The war had started and with only two lives,

the cyan haired had fought with knives.

The dirty blonde, with a red name,

had fought and died from flames.

The land had flooded with rain, extinguishing
the flames, but the Red King still stood, not
wanting to be tamed.

The cyan haired, left alone with a wilting
'flower' had nothing to do, but cower.

He cried and cried, but knew it was true

His darling Flower Husband was now dead and blue

A lonely 'petal' with no 'flower', kept fighting,

But met his fate, and found his home.

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