Standing There

17 4 0

There's a sea of people,

Each trying to get by.

This is high school.

Where we just try to survive.

I make my way through the crowded halls,

And see you on your phone, making a call.

There's tens of hundreds of kids here,

Yet you stick out to me, just standing there.

I think I'm over you, but who really knows.

I still end up seeing you, your bright personality shows.

I wish I could ignore you,

To walk past you,

To hide.

But every time we make eye contact,

A part of my heart flies.

I may be over you, but the memories are still here,

And I wish I could ignore you,

When you're standing there.

This is a poem about high school and how I've seen my ex bf everywhere in the halls. Despite there being so many people in the halls, he sticks out to me. Every time. I wish it stops, but it never does.

And I don't think it ever will.

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