This has been going on for an hour until it's completely dark.

Maybe she's back already.

Later, an angry Mack calls me back, wondering what happened to me. He stopped his search saying that he had business to take care of.

I'm angry with myself that I allowed her to run away and slightly angry with her for being so sensitive. Not a moment goes by when I think about if she never existed, would my life still be the way it is?. I could have just abandoned her, dropped her off to some orphanage then maybe she would be better off without me.


After walking for what feel like forever, I gave in and made it back to the double gate. The only problem is I'm too weak to climb between or over the gate. The only choice I have is to yell for Elaine and pray that she comes to my rescue. The pain in body is non-existent, all I want to do is sleep and I have no more pills to save. I can't even remember how many pills I took today.

"EE-laine!" I weakly yell. I'm shaking the gate to get her attention or at least someone's. I do it multiple times.

"EEE-laine!" I strain. I'm using all the energy I have left in my body to call her and finally I hear the sound of foot steps on the grass.

"Benjamin?" I hear her say with uncertainty in her voice. It is dark and I could barely see if it's her. When she is closer, a bright light flashes me. I see her holding a tiny flashlight.

"Are you alright? Did you find her?" She asks, looking around and behind me. I'm sure she's stressed out.

"What? Sheeth's not wit you?" I slur. It feels like a heavy brick is resting on my tongue. Now, Elaine looks at me confused or angry?. The haziness in my eyes is confusing me.

"No...," she drags out the word, taking a long pause.

That's not good.

Her eyes show signs of realization,"For God sakes Benjamin, what are you on?". I'm shaking my head, trying to concentrate on her.

"She's not here! and it's late. I knew I should've went with you," she says. I catch myself stumbling and her voice is becoming more distant.

"This needs to stop Benjamin, the drugs, the lies, the secrets everything. She can't see you like this".

I continue to shake my head. I don't have time to be lectured. If she's not here I have to keep looking, even if it kills me. I ignore her rants and attempt to walk away.

"Uh-uh, you're not going anywhere," she struggles to maneuver between the gate to retrieve my unsteady body. Then a voice calls my name.

"Benjamin" a soft voice whispers. It sounds all too familiar.

"Momma?" I nearly have whip lash seeking to find the person behind the voice.

How can it be?

"You wish! get over here now!" Elaine yells.

I squint my eyes to see a human figure by the bushes. The figure is clear as night.

Its her!

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