Chapter 45. Departure

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, the summer wind blew rather abruptly. With his hand, Haniel clasped his ebony black hair that stretched down to his slender waist.

"Ha, this damn hair keeps getting in the way."

Haniel eyed me. His face lit up in curiosity.

"Hm?" He tilted his head. "Why are you blushing?"

I immediately covered my cheeks, feeling guilty all of the sudden. He said the exact same line in a different context, but it makes me feel conscious!

Haniel kept pestering me about my behavior, but I brushed him off. As if I'd tell him that I vicariously saw him naked with the original Allari. Good grief.

After our brief talk, I returned to my quarters to inform Servan about our journey, but I found a letter in my room left by Grand Duke Averill.

I was summoned to the capital due to an urgent matter. I'm sorry for not being able to see you off.

Safe travels. I shall see you when time permits.

With Love,

Oh, so His Grace left for the capital today.

That aside, this dull and short note is just like him, alright. He's such an austere man. Perhaps he was also being careful in case the letter lands into the hands of someone else, so he only kept it simple.

I closed my eyes then kissed the paper softly.

Let's meet again when time permits, yes.


After a week of preparation, the day of our departure finally arrived. This time, our colleagues came to see off the three of us.

"I heard it rains pretty often in Surinam," Emma brought up out of concern. "Make sure to stay warm so you won't get sick along the way."

"What were they thinking anyway, sending you all the way to the south?" Clio shook his head in dismay. "Is this a punishment? What did you do?"

"Hey! It's an expedition!" Servan defensively told him. "You're just jealous we're going on a trip!"

Clio yawned lazily. "Sure, whatever."

Feeling sentimental, I walked up to Emma and hugged her. These people took care of me even when I supposedly lost my memories of them.

I was mute and it was difficult to work with me at times, but they never complained and they treated me like how they would treat a normal colleague.

"Take care of yourself, Allari." Emma smiled then turned to the other two. "Haniel and Servan, too."

As they have mentioned, the south is a long way from here. It might take us months to return to the tower, especially if we plan to stay in Surinam for a while. Who knows what could happen then?

"Yeah!" My brother grinned. "Don't worry, we'll bring you lots of souvenirs from the south, too!"

With that, the three of us boarded the carriage.

For the last time, Clio and Emma amiably waved us goodbye. As the carriage rattled away, the tower that stood tall among the skies became smaller in our sight, leaving a bittersweet taste.

It was truly a wonderful place. Home to a bevy of wizards, where status mattered least and everyone was equal in the face of magic.

Somehow, I get the feeling that this will be the last time I'd ever be able to look at its magnificence.

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