Part 2.7

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After final period I went to the quidditch changing rooms and put on my practice uniform.

After I was done changing I sat on a bench outside the changing rooms while my broom was leaning on the wall next to me.

I sat and waited for regulus to show up but as I sat there I couldn't stop thinking about what Charlie said.

If I can't get over this I will be benched.
I don't want to be benched.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't even notice regulus come up to me, he noticed this as well and sighed.

"You're so lucky you have me" regulus said as a smile came over his face.

I swung my head around, and looked at regulus.
He was leaning against the wall with a few curls falling into his face while he looked down at me.

Damn he is gorgeous
It didn't matter how worried I was, so how regulus always made me happy.

"Oh am I?" I said with a questioning look.
"Yes you are, you are currently looking at the future slytherin captain and I am amazing at everything quidditch" regulus stated matter of factly before picking up my broom.

"Let's get started" he said before walking towards the  quidditch pitch.

Cocky son of a bitch


The quidditch pitch was completely empty today which made it a perfect time for regulus and I to hang out.

We made our way to the center of the field before regulus turned to look at me.
He dropped my broom on the ground and crossed his arms.

"Here's the thing. Right now I am your coach, not your friend. You most likely won't be happy with me but this is for your benefit, not mine" regulus said with a stern voice.

"Alright, understood." I replied.
Regulus seemed to ease up when I said this and began to smile.

"Okay then, let's get started" regulus clapped his hands together.

I bent down and picked up my broom and waited for instructions.

"First of all we need you to be less nervous so let's try and get some dopamine piping through you. Do two laps and when your done we will start flying"

You're kidding me
I have to run!

I rolled my eyes and scoffed.
"You can't be serious" I groaned.
Regulus looked at me before smiling.
"You're right. I can't be serious,"
I gave a small sigh of relief.

Thank god he isn't making me run

"That's my brothers name, I'm regulus. Now go run" regulus barked out.
I narrowed my eyes before turning away.
"I hate you!" I yelled back at him before running off.
"Love you too!" Regulus yelled to me.


After running a few laps regulus made me do some standard drill to get myself warmed up.
After completing my last few drills regulus called me over.

I quickly flew down, hopped off my broom, and ran over to him.

"Alright, here's the thing. Getting over something like this isn't going to happen in one day so we are going to have to work together often." Regulus said before putting his hand on my shoulder.

Regulus. I would do literally anything to spend more time with you!

"I guess I can live with that" I replied flatly.
Regulus looked at me and sucked in his bottom lip.
"Okay then" he said before taking his hand away.
He cleared his throat before continuing.

"So. What I have gathered is you are afraid of getting hit by a bludger right?" He asked.
I nodded my head slightly.

"Okay great, what I think would be best is if you realized that a bludger isn't so scary" regulus said before turning around and picking something up.
"Well I wouldn't necessarily say that. A bludger broke my collarbone and my broom" I said with a 'did you forget' kind of tone.

"Okay well, forget about that" regulus said before turning back with a bludger in his hands.
At the sight of the bludger I closed up a bit.

Regulus saw and put the bludger under his arm before putting his other arm around me.

"It's okay, you will be perfectly fine. If anything bad happens I will make sure you don't get hurt, okay"
I looked up at regulus.
His arm around me really seemed to comfort me.

He smells really good

I nodded.
"Okay, all I want you to do right now is hold the bludger" regulus said before handing it over to me.
The moment I touched it I felt a jolt of nervousness that slowly seemed to go away.
He still had his arm around me as I held it.

This isn't so bad
I can't believe I was afraid of this...ball.

I held it for a few minutes before regulus spoke up.
"Do you feel comfortable with it now?" He asked.

"Yeah, if I'm being totally honest I don't know why I was so nervous" I laughed.
Regulus smiled.

"That's good. Now, I want you to throw it to me and then catch it when I throw it back to you" he said before stepping away.

I felt the absence of his arm and it made me feel kind of sad.

Regulus walked about six feet away from me and held out his hands.

"Now throw it" he said.
I got ready and threw the bludger to him which he caught with ease.
"Now catch it"
Regulus threw it back to me.
At first I froze but then I realized it was just a ball.
I reached out my arms and caught it.
That wasn't so bad.


Regulus and I went on for a while just tossing it around before we decided it was time to head in.

"You did great by the way" regulus said as we walked over to the changing rooms.
Regulus was draping his arm over my shoulders as we walked.
I was internally freaking out at this gesture since he was walking with me like I was his girlfriend.

"Thanks, I know that it's kinda dumb that I was afraid of it but..... I don't know, I just really appreciate the help" I said a little bit flustered.

"It's no problem, I enjoy helping you" he said quietly.

Once we made it to the girls changing room door regulus pulled me into his side and kissed the top of my head.

"Bye y/n" he mumbled and walked away.
I didn't move.
Holy shit!
He just...
Stop it, it's not a big deal

But truly to me it was a big deal. He had never done anything like that before.
The only thing was it had me confused.
Does he like me or is this how he is with friends?

Another Way Out.  Regulus x readerWhere stories live. Discover now