Part 1.4

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Since I didn't get dinner because I wanted to avoid Sirius, at about eleven my stomach hurt so much that I decided I would try and sneak into the kitchens and take some food.

It wasn't my first time sneaking into the kitchen. In my first year, I had told James that I was hungry and he showed me how to sneak in.

However, when I had done it with them we had the marauders map so we could make sure no prefects caught us.

This time I would be going alone.
I quickly packed my books away, put on my slippers and robe, and snuck out my door.

As I crept down the stairs I stopped suddenly when I saw the marauders in the common room whispering.
Remus looked like he was about to throw up, and everyone was dressed in coats. It looked like they were about to go outside.

Suddenly Remus doubled over in pain and all of the boys started running him out the door.
Most likely taking him to the hospital wing.
I decided to wait a couple of minutes in the common room before heading down to make sure I didn't bump into them.

After waiting for a few minutes I quietly slipped out the front painting and started running down the stairs. I made sure my heels hit the ground first so that my steps were quiet.

Once I was down the stairs I quickly hid behind a corner to check if any prefects were down the hall. Luckily none were so I ran to the middle of the hallway and knocked on the wall three times.

Almost immediately, the wall opened up revealing a stairwell that brought me to a hallway somewhere on the bottom floor.

Last time I used this passage Peter told me it was used for quick escape from the kitchens in case of an emergency.

As I walked down the hallway I reached a dead end.
I knew there was a brick that opened a door so I felt around on the wall trying to find the right brick.

As my fingers ran along the wall I felt a slight wiggle from underneath one of the bricks. I pushed a little harder on it and it slid into the wall causing all of the other bricks to slide away revealing the kitchen.

When the bricks did this it made a much louder sound than I intended so I waited a second and listened for any footsteps. I heard none so I walked in quietly.

As I walked into the kitchen I saw all of the food that was prepared for breakfast the next day sitting out on counters.

There was so much of it that it was hard to imagine that anyone could possibly finish it all.

There was so much to choose from, ranging from pancakes and waffles to breakfast sausages and hash browns. Just looking at all of it made my mouth water.

Unfortunately, if I tried taking any of it a magical alarm would sound and all of the elves would come rushing in and catch me so I headed onward to the freezers.

In the freezers, they had a ton of ice cream so I decided to just take some of that even though I was lactose intolerant. In my opinion lactose intolerance is just a suggestion.

As I walked into the freezer I suddenly became increasingly thankful that I was wearing my robe due to it being absolutely freezing inside.

I wrapped my robe even tighter around myself to hopefully stay warm and I headed to the back of the freezer. I looked at the large selection of ice cream.

There was chocolate, vanilla, peppermint stick, bubblegum, cotton candy, caramel swirl, and so many more, but I decided on getting peppermint stick.

I grabbed one of the many tubs of peppermint stick and brought it out of the freezer.
I then rummaged around and found a spoon. Then I sat against the wall and started eating the ice cream.
It was so good.

Another Way Out.  Regulus x readerWhere stories live. Discover now