Part 1.3

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As I got ready to go do research with Regulus, I couldn't shake this nervous feeling in my stomach. I wasn't sure why I was so nervous to study with him, but I guessed it was probably because of the difficulty of the potion.

After dressing myself in something semi presentable, I packed my bag and started heading down the stairs into the common room, where I bumped into the Marauders.

"Hey y/n, where are you going," asked Peter.
"I'm just heading to the library for a potions project," I replied, starting to walk faster to avoid questions.
"Okay then, see you later," Sirius said with a strange look on his face.

As I left the common room I started speed walking to the library so as to not be late. 

While walking, I realized how silly it was for me to be going this fast. There's no reason to try and hang out with him sooner than needed. He doesn't even like being around me.

As I walked into the library, I started looking around to see if I could find Regulus. I eventually found him alone in the back of the library in a secluded corner.
I walked over to him and saw he already had a book out that he was completely absorbed into.

I looked at the way his hair fell, and the way his eyes slightly squinted when he was reading and I couldn't help but feel butterflies.

No, no, we need to kill those butterflies. He is a blood purist who doesn't like me. Sirius also hates him, so no butterflies.

But the rings on his hands are so.....stop it! Just sit down.

As soon as I sat down next to him, he realized I was there and sat up straight.
"Fancy seeing you here," I said in a playful way.

"It's not exactly unheard of for me to be in the library. You on the other hand, I'm not even sure you can read," Regulus joked with a stupid grin on his face.

I gave an auditable gasp and put my hand on my chest.
"Are you saying that because I am a woman?" I exclaimed in a hurt tone.

Regulus didn't even miss a beat when replying with a simple, "yes."
"Hey!" I said slapping his arm and we both started laughing.
Once we both calmed down I suggest we start actually doing work.

I pulled out a copy of advanced potion making and flipped to the chapter on Wolfsbane potion.

Wolfsbane potion had the ability to keep a werewolf's mind after transforming. The problem was it had to be drunk for a whole week straight in order to work.

It has a blue smoke, and unpleasant taste, but becomes unusable when sugar is added. It is one of the most advanced potions in the whole wizarding world. On top of that, its ingredients are very expensive so any mistakes would cost a lot of money.

This was way too stressful. I dropped my book and laid my head on it, groaning loudly.
"I hate Slughorn so much," I whined, my head still on the book.

"You're a very dramatic person. Just try to find the information you need so we can move on from this stupid project," he snapped.
I lift my head and look at him.

"Who's got your panties in a twist?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
He looked at me and exhaled slightly, "Sorry, I'm just....tired," he sighed. I could tell he wasn't telling me the truth.

"Are you sure that's what's bothering you?" I asked, turning my body to face him.
Now it was his turn to put his face down on the table.
He let out a low groan into the desk before looking back at me.

"I think we should continue looking for information on the Wolfsbane potion before we get into any meaningful conversations," he said to me in a monotone voice, implying he didn't want to talk about it.
"Okay sure," I said before turning back to my book.

Another Way Out.  Regulus x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن