Part 1.12

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After such a long and eventful year I couldn't believe it was over.

It felt like only yesterday when I was dropped off a kings cross. Soon enough I will be back as a fourth year.

As great as it was to be on break it was going to be incredibly sad to not see all of my friends every day.
I had already packed up all of my things and was waiting in the common room to give my last goodbyes to many of my friends.

As I was saying my goodbyes Lily ran up behind me and wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm going to miss you so much" she cried into my shoulder.

I turned around and put my arms around her.
"I'm going to miss you too Lily, but I'm still going to sit with you on the train" I laughed.

She looked up at me and smiled.

"You're choosing to sit with me instead of the marauders" she questioned.

I laughed a bit more.

"Of course. I haven't spent a lot of time with you this year and I'm going to make sure that by the end of the train ride, you will be so sick of me that you will practically run off afterward" I joked.

Lily laughed at that.

"Alright, I'll see you on the train. I have some more clothes to pack so I'll be right back" she called as she ran back to her dorm.

I chuckled as she ran away. She was such a beautiful person, I could only hope she gets everything she deserves in life.

I decided to sit and wait on the couch for the marauders to come, they didn't know that I wasn't going to sit with them so I would have to say goodbye now.

As I sat on the couch Sirius jumped over the couch and sat right next to me putting his arm over my shoulder.

"How are you doing on this fine morning y/n" he smiled.
"I'm doing very well. Why are you so happy today Sirius?" I asked
Sirius laughed before responding.
"Because it's summer vacation. No more school, no more homework, just fun."

"Sirius. You don't even do your homework normally. You can't get a break from something that you don't do" I commented causing him to laugh.

James and Remus walked over and sat on the couch.
Peter sat on the floor in front of us.

"Okay, guys. I am going to sit with Lily on the train so I wanted to say goodbye to you now if that's okay" I asked everyone.

When I said this they all just looked at me.

"Why aren't you sitting with us?" Peter asked
"Is it because of me?" Remus asked
"Can you get Lily to sit with us?" James asked
"Why can't we say goodbye at Kings Cross" Sirius asked.
I huffed out a breath.

"One at a time guys, first of all, James I will not ask her to sit with you guys, lily has her own friends that she sits with. Also, Remus, and Peter, don't read into it too much. I just want to sit with my other friend.

And Sirius, remember last year when we lost both Peter and Remus. I won't be able to say goodbye to them." I said quickly trying to get everything out.

"Okay we get it" James sighed before hugging me.
"Goodbye y/n," James said before letting me go.
Peter got up and walked over to me, he stuck out his hand for a handshake.

I took it.

"Goodbye Peter," said in a soft voice.
"Bye," Peter whispered before scurrying away.
Next, Remus leaned over James and gave me a big hug.

"Bye y/n, I'm sorry for almost killing you twice," he said into my shoulder.

"Remus. You have nothing to apologize for, you weren't in control" I whispered.

"If you ever want to try Wolfsbane just ask, I learned how to," I said into his ear.

Remus quickly sat up and looked at me.
"Really!" Remus shouted.

I nodded.

"That would be amazing" Remus jumped.

"Alright, I'll make you some next year okay," I said to him before turning to Sirius.

His arms were crossed.

Was he pouting because I wouldn't sit with them on the train!

"Are you serious?" I questioned
I small smirk crossed over his face.
"Yes I am Sirius" he chuckled before opening up his arms.

I gave him a big hug before whispering in his ear.
"Goodbye Sirius"

"Goodbye y/n" he whispered back.

I pulled back and sighed.

I am going to miss these idiots.


As I waited for the students to board the train I was chatting with Lily when I felt someone tap my shoulder.

I turned around and couldn't help but smile.
Regulus stood in front of me holding his hands behind his back.

Lily turned and looked at us.

"I'm going to go get us a compartment, you two have fun," she said with a slight smile before walking away.

"Hi regulus," I said with a small wave.

"Hi, umm. I have something for you. It's not as heartfelt as the gift you made for me earlier in the year but I still hope you like it" he said before showing me what he was holding behind him.

It was a broomstick!

Better yet, it was the latest model!

"Oh my god regulus. This is amazing, and these aren't cheap either." I said with a gasp.

"Don't worry about money, I have enough of it. But I felt that you would definitely need it since the school ones suck" he said with a sheepish grin.

"Regulus, you have no idea how much this means to me. I can't believe you got me this" I said before bringing him into a hug.

The moment my arms wrapped around him he stiffened up.

I didn't let go and he slowly relaxed into it.
He even put his arms around me too.

"Thank you so much," I said before pulling away.
"What are friends for" he said with a chuckle.
I gasped.

"Did you just call me your friend?" I said in shock.
Regulus's eyes went wide.

"I take it back," he said quickly.

"Nope, too late. I'm your friend" I laughed.

Regulus just rolled his eyes.

"You are really annoying" he mumbled.
"I'm your really annoying friend," I said with a slight giggle.

When he heard that he smiled slightly.
"Goodbye y/n," he said
"Goodbye regulus," I said before taking the broom and walking onto the train.

Regulus is my friend, and for some reason that makes me both happy and a little sad.

But it doesn't matter, I have a lot of things to prepare for before next year.


Hey guys, I hope that this gets you excited for the next chapters.
If you made it to this point I want to say that I really appreciate it.
I have a lot planned for year four and I can promise it will be much more entertaining than what I have done so far.
I had to set up some things this year in order for the next year to make sense.
But I promise it is going to get better, also the previous chapters will be revised.
Just a heads up It's going to take me a couple of days to plan everything out.
And please comment if you want, I genuinely enjoy reading peoples comments so if you like something or you don't like something just comment and I will love it.
Thank you so much and I hope you guys stick with my story.
Love you!

Another Way Out.  Regulus x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora