Part 1.9

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For some unexplainable reason, almost all of my professors decided to give me a ton of homework.
I sat in my dorm for hours trying to complete my never-ending stack of work.

At some point at about 11:30, I decided to take a break and get some fresh air.

I packed up my work and put it to the side as I put on a pair of lace-up sneakers and my robe.

I crept downstairs but stopped when I saw the marauders.

What were they doing out of bed?
I got a feeling of Déjà vu when I saw Moony looking sick again.

Why does he get sick so often?
Like last time I just waited for them to leave before I made my way down.

As I snuck through the corridors I made sure that no prefects saw me.

After navigating through the twists and turns of the castle I made my way outside.

As I stepped outside I breathed in the cool spring air.
It wasn't hot yet but it wasn't cold either. The air was moist and I could smell the dirt. It was perfect.

As I looked up I saw the moon, it looked gorgeous. It was a full moon and it shined so bright that I didn't need to worry about not being able to see.

As I walked through the grounds I felt a sense of peace.

That feeling didn't last long when suddenly I heard a rustling in the bushes near the forbidden forest.

I jumped and looked at the bushes, I relaxed when all that came out was a small rat.

I let out a sigh of relief.
I was really jumpy tonight.

I began to turn away when I heard a growling noise.
Out of the bushes a figure slowly crept out, it was big and gray with almost no fur. It had large scars all over its body and its dark eyes were completely locked on me.

Holy shit,

It's the werewolf!
I didn't wait a second longer, I turned around and began to sprint as fast as I could, I couldn't run toward the school since I would end up just allowing it inside and that would open up a whole other can of worms that I did not want to deal with.

So as I sprinted I turned my direction toward the black lake,
I pray to god that this thing can't swim.
As I run towards the lake I look over my shoulder, the werewolf is gaining on me.

This is I life or death moment so I need to think practically, if I'm going to swim I can't have all of this extra fabric weighing me down.

So as I run I take off my robe and throw it behind me, the werewolf is hit by it and it begins shredding it to pieces.

Damn it, I really liked that robe.
Luckily that made it fall behind.

As I look back I see the fast-approaching water's edge, it's spring time so the water is still ice cold and you can see some ice still on the edges of the water. I can definitely use this to my advantage.

I run on the ice and just as I hear it start to break I dive into the ice-cold water.

As I swim in the water trying to get farther out, all I can feel is the sharp pain the water makes me feel.
After about a minute of swimming it turn back towards the shore.

I see the werewolf at the edge but he is no longer alone, the stag, dog, and rat are there again.
They seem to be steering it away from me and back towards the woods.

I begin treading in the water as I wait for the animals to walk back into the woods.
By this point, my body almost felt numb.
As soon as the animals were out of my sight I began swimming back to shore. Once I made it to the ice I climbed up onto it and slowly crawled back to the sand.

Another Way Out.  Regulus x readerWhere stories live. Discover now