Part 2.15

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Here we are, the day I've been dreading for months.
Well maybe not months but certainly weeks.

The quidditch cup had finally arrived and not shocking to anyone gryffindor was against slytherin.

Now we come to the reason I am dreading it, I have to go against Regulus. Better yet Sirius has to go against regulus.

And in all honesty I am a bit nervous too. I was able to get through a couple of matches without freezing up. Now that I have to go against regulus I'm not sure I will be able too.

Let's also not forget what happened last time I went against slytherin in the quidditch cup.

All in all I was swirling with emotions.

I was so nervous that I got up at 6 and went down the the quidditch pitch to be ready.

To hopefully calm my nerves I paced around in the tent for probably 45 minutes alone.

At the 45 minute mark I heard somebody enter the tent.

Seeing him made my heart skip a beat and made me forget why I was pacing.

"Hey Reggie" I waved to my.... Friend.

"Hey y/n, what are you doing here. The game doesn't start for another hour" regulus asked me.

I tried laughing it off since I didn't want to explain why I was nervous "I could ask you the same thing" I poked at regulus.

Regulus swatted my hand away and crossed his arms. "I noticed you weren't at breakfast so I assumed you would be here" reg replied.

I rolled my eyes with a large smile "I'm fine, I'm just not hungry" I laugh.

Regulus raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Obviously you are not fine" he started, "I never asked if you were fine, I asked why you are here so my only guess is that you have something on your mind considering how you responded" he finished.

I let out a sigh and let my shoulders drop "okay fine, I'm not okay. I'm just really nervous, I woke up at 5:45 naturally which is not normal for me" I sighed again and move to sit on a wooden bench at the side of the tent.

Regulus looks at me and comes to sit next to me on the bench.

He lets out a sigh and runs his hand through his night black hair.

"You want to talk about it" he asks, looking over at me.

I rest my arm on my knee and hold my head. "Well for starters last year slytherin beat us, and in the process of losing one of your teammates broke my broom and made me fall" I start.

"If it wasn't for you I most likely would have died." I look off, a cloud of worry overtakes me again.

"Well that won't happen again this year because you have improved significantly, I'm not saying you weren't good last year but this year, my god you watch everyone like a hawk and it makes you a much better keeper." Regulus puts his arm around me and gently rubs my shoulder.

"I'm also guessing you don't like that we are going against each other. Am I right" regulus says with a laugh.

I nod my head.

"Well I promise you this won't change anything about how I feel about you" my eyes quickly move to look at him.

What the fuck did he just say!
Does that mean he likes m-

He coughs and finishes "you will still be my best friend"

Oh fuck you for getting my hopes up

"Same goes for you I guess" I give a small smile as I say it.

Another Way Out.  Regulus x readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu