Part 2.3

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After talking to regulus I was exhausted. It was almost 1am at this point and I was ready for bed.

As I snuck back into the common room I poked my head through the portrait and looked around the room to make sure nobody saw me.

As I did a quick scan of the room I saw no one so I walked in.

I quickly scurried across the room to the stairs and began to climb up before I heard a voice.

"It's almost one in the morning. Where were you?"

Oh shit.

I turned towards the voice very slowly.

I could recognize her pissed off tone anywhere.

"Hi" I giggled with a little wave.

What is wrong with me, I keep giggling!

Lily gave me a very stern look, she reminded me of my step mom when she did that look.

"I'll only ask one more time y/n. Where were you" she spat.

Oh mother of all that is holy, she is about to kill me!
"Lily I swear you don't have to be worr-" I began before getting cut off.

"Y/n it is the first day back and you just disappeared. I didn't know where you were, if you were hurt, you were sent to the hospital wing multiple times last year because of your late night excursions and you are telling me that I shouldn't worry!" She all but yelled.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you but don't wake up the whole damn house!" I pleaded with a whisper.

I paused for a second to think.

How much can I tell her, will she tell James? Her and James have a weird relationship but she still might tell him.
If she does will he tell regulus?
Oh god this was a really bad idea.

"I'm waiting" lily said impatiently.

"Okay, well, I met with regulus to talk a bit" I muttered while very carefully choosing my words.

As soon as I said regulus's name her entire demeanor changed from pissed off to super excited.
"Oh Merlin, did you guys finally kiss" lily squealed.
"No,no,no,no, me and regulus are just friends. We were just talking" I stuttered.

Lilys face dropped into a frown
"You're kidding me right? You guys went and met with each other at midnight; just to talk."
"Yes?" I responded,
"You guys are so boring, if I liked someone I wouldn't let this kind of opportunity pass by! You should have kissed him!" Lily exclaimed.

I paused before speaking again.

"But, I don't like him, not like that."
The moment I said that lily burst out laughing.

"What?" I questioned but lily kept on laughing.

"What's so funny?" I said with a bit of annoyance, why was she laughing at me.
"You are joking right?" Lily chuckled.

"No..." I said in a very unconvincing voice.

Lily just looked at me for a bit before she stopped laughing.
"Y/n you definitely like him, ever since you started hanging out with him last year you have only ever thought about him. You don't even have to say it out loud for anyone to notice" lily began

I mean it is true that I think about him a lot but friends think about each other, right?

"Not to mention any games against Slytherin. As much as you try not to you are constantly looking at him. I also think you have been distancing yourself from Sirius and the others. You don't really talk to them anymore which James says is beginning to annoy Sirius but-" I cut lily off before she could continue.

"Lily, I genuinely only think of him as a friend, I mean sure I do find him attractive, like really attractive, he seems to be getting hotter each year....and maybe I think he looks good in his quidditch robes, and he smells really good, and I think he is really sweet and smart.... I also maybe did think about kissing him a few times but" I stopped. Looked at lily and gasped.

"No, I.......I have....." I tried to speak but couldn't get a full sentence out.

"You have a crush on him" lily said for me.

I darted my eyes around the room before looking back at lily.

"Let's sit on the couch" I suggested to lily who immediately started walking to the couch.

I walked over and sat on the couch next to lily.

The fire in the fireplace had been put out a few hours ago but there were still some embers glowing.

I was struggling to begin the conversation with lily which she luckily picked up on and decided to start talking first.

"So now that you have admitted to yourself that you like him you have to tell me everything" she squealed.

I took a breath.

I like regulus.
I have a crush on regulus black.

I began to smile.

It felt good to admit it. Now all of my butterflies and giggles made sense.

"Well, he saved my life a couple of times, once he found me almost frozen to death after one of my nighttime walks, the other time when he caught me when I fell off my broom." I began
Lily clapped her hands with delight.

"Awwww" she exclaimed.
It feels good to talk about him with her.

As I continued talking I started to become more excited about what I said.

"And then there was this one time were we snuck into the kitchen and we ate ice cream and he wiped ice cream off my face," I said
"Oh, isn't that adorable, he is so nice to you" lily noted.

I laughed a little
"Yeah, he is isn't he,"

We talked until two in the morning before heading up to bed.

I have a crush and his name is regulus black.
It felt good to finally admit it.


It had been a couple of days since my chat with lily.
Since I now finally admitted to myself how I felt about regulus I began to be a little more "friendly" to him.

I started calling him Reg or Reggie.
At first the nickname caught him off guard but he has now become accustomed to it.
I decided to spend more time with him and I asked him if he could teach me to play the piano.

Me and regulus were sitting in a room full of muggle instruments on a bench in front of a piano.
"Put your hands here and here, then move them up two keys, like this" regulus said before demonstrating.

I put my hands on the piano but I purposefully put them in the wrong spot.

"Here?" I asked.

Regulus looked at my hands.

"No, here" he said before putting his hands on mine and moving them to the correct place.

We were sitting right next to each other, so close in fact that our legs were touching.

Since his arms had to wrap around me in order to show me what to do his face was right next to mine.
He moved his hands with mine to the next note.

We continued like this for awhile before I leaned my head back against his shoulder to look at him.

"Thank you for doing this for me by the way, I really appreciate it " I thanked him.

Regulus turned his head to me and looked at me.
Our faces were so close that all I had to do was lean in a little.

But I couldn't.

I was too nervous to do it.

"No problem, I enjoy helping you" he said before turning back to the piano.

We went back to the lesson and continued for a while.

I really like this boy.

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