54. leap of faith

Depuis le début

The look on my face shows that I'm overwhelmed by everything that she's saying.

And I guess that she's noticed that "Sorry, too soon? Anyway, the offers there."

All of a sudden, I notice a boy approaching us. He rushes over, a soccer ball in his arms, and he goes straight towards Addison. I watch as he pulls her in for a hug and then connects his lips with hers. I force myself to look away as I don't want to be rude. I also feel like I'm getting in the way of their moment.

Addison pulls away, giggling, before saying "Ah, sorry. This is Ryan, my boyfriend."

She introduces me to him "Ryan, this is Sophie. She's new here. I was just taking her on a tour around the campus."

Ryan nods at me "What's up, Sophie."

"Hi." I smile at him.

"Look, I gotta get back to the game but it was nice meeting you, Sophie." He says before looking back at Addison "I'll see you later, babe."

I watch as he runs away from us, making his way back towards the field. Addison doesn't take her eyes off of him though. She licks her lips as she watches him walk away from her, lust evident in her eyes. I have to admit that it makes me slightly jealous.

I wish that I had a relationship like that.

And then I hear Addison say "Isn't he just a dream?!"

I giggle.

"He's so fucking hot!" She shows just how much she likes him, grabbing onto my arm in the process "And he's amazing in bed! I've never had a guy that actually knows how to give head."

She apologises "Sorry, I know that you probably don't want to hear that."

"No, it's okay." I tell her "You like him, I get it."

"Anyway, if you have second thoughts about my offer then just let me know." She says "Some of the guys that play soccer with Ryan are so hot!"

"I'll think about it."

"Sorry, we should get back to the tour." She goes back to what she was actually doing "I go a little off track sometimes."

"It's fine." I giggle.

We continue to walk through the halls again, Addison taking her time to show me each and every one of my classrooms so that I don't get lost later on. But as we're walking, I notice a group of girls gathered around a locker.

One of them catches my eye immediately... I can't help but notice that she resembles Lexi and the way that she's laughing and joking just reminds me of Lexi's humour. Lexi was also amazing at having a crowd around her at all times. She'd like to think that she didn't have a lot of friends yet in reality everyone loved her.

The girl meets eyes with mine and I lower my head in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, you'll make friends." Addison assures me, clearly seeing that I look a little down "It just takes time."

"When I first got here, I felt the same way as you." She admits "I walked these halls alone and everything just seemed so scary. Anyway, you have me and you can come and hang with us at lunch."

She continues "We meet on the field at twelve every day. Feel free to join us if you like."

"Thank you."

All of a sudden, the bell goes off and it means that my first class is about to start. Thankfully, because of Addison's help, I think I know where to go.

"Shit, I gotta head off but just call me if you need me."

"I will." I say, smiling to show her that I appreciate how kind she's being to me.

"See you later!" She shouts as she walks away from me.


As soon as she leaves, I decide to start walking to my first class. The hallway is now crowded with so many people and I have to admit that it's a little overwhelming. I take deep breaths though as I try to keep calm. And I hold my timetable close to me so that I know exactly where I'm going.

I can do this.

And then I look at my phone as I hear it vibrate.

(Mum) Good luck on your first day, Soph! You're going to do great! Me and your mom are so proud of you! We can't wait to hear all about it when you get home!

I smile as I read mum's text. She makes me feel like I can do this as she tells me that she's proud of me. The thing is that I always want to make my parents proud. So I begin to walk to my first class, trying to forget about my nerves.

The Girl With The TattooOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant